May 01, 2005 23:31
I had a dream earlier today with a very clear image of this girl. We were in someone else's house, presumably a mutual friend, or maybe at a party or something similar. I talked to her for some length about what was going on in my life in fairly vague terms, treating her as I probably would any other stranger that seemed interested. At some point when I was "done", she informed me that she used to go to High School with me, and when she said her name, it all pieced together quite clearly in my head, and I felt bad for not recognizing her.
There was no good reason for feeling bad. It's not like I knew this girl very well at all when we went to school together, or had any reason to believe we had any interest in one another's lives, but still, it's a name and a face that are familiar to me, and I feel that recognition is the least you can do for personal respect. In any case, it was strange, especially that it had such a feeling of clarity associated with it. It initiated a couple-hours-long period where I was sorting out which of my perceptions were fueled by actual experience, and which may've been "merely" dream.
Speaking of which, there's been an extremely recent development in my life that I would fully expect myself to question the reality of, were it not for the surreal and irrational turn of many events in my life lately. Eh, at least it will make waking up tomorrow possibly more interesting. . . .
Sometimes I realize just how bizzare and quirky are the events of all of our lives. I was thinking about that today while navigating a particularly curvy road at anxiety-inducing speeds. I was wondering at the incredulity of the fact that human beings are able to communicate with one another at all without massive bouts of violence and/or fits of incoherent rambling.
I think I should feel lucky that I have at least one person that will listen to me, no matter what, even if they don't neccessarily understand.