Title: "Film Disaster Island"
Rating: PG-13
Category: Action/Adventure, Mystery/Suspense, Romance
Summary:Four actors (AJ Michalka, Drake Bell, Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron) are brought together to make an Adventure film, "Film Disaster Island", it becomes a disaster in more than one way. Stranded on an island in Jamaica, the four actors have to bond together. Attempting to get rescued, and trying to track down the mystery of the island, can the four actors survive the danger ... and each other?
WARNING! : This story is rated PG-13 due to some sexual content. It's nothing graphic, but with the way I make the one character, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up. I'm not condoning his behavior, but I'm using it for the storyline within.
by, Kelly M.
“An adventure film?” A.J. smiled and practically bounced up and down, “I’m totally interested! What’s it rated? PG-13? Send me the script! So.. Who else is starring in this? Zac and Vanessa? Great, thank you!”
“What was that all about?” Aly asked, sitting her glass of lemonade down on the counter.
A.J. let out a squeal, “They want me to star in an adventure film! So far they have Zac and Vanessa cast as two of the leads! They want me for the other lead female!”
“That’s great!” Aly smiled.
“I know! Aah! I’m so excited!”
“Lemonade to celebrate?” Aly asked, offering her a glass.
A.J. took the glass from her, “Thanks! I wonder who they’ll get for the other male lead?”
“They don’t have him picked?”
“How cool is that? Maybe you’ll meet your match,” Aly said, playfully.
A.J. blushed, “I don’t think I’m ready for something that big… I’m still, not…” A.J. let out a sigh.
“Over him?” Aly asked.
“Yeah,” A.J. nodded.
“So… why don’t you call him?”
“It’s too embarrassing! He’s probably, okay definitely, over me.”
Aly shrugged, “You never know unless you try.”
A.J. made a face and shrugged, “It’s probably best to move on.”
Aly just smiled and drank the lemonade.
A.J. paused, “No! Tell me you didn’t! It’ll be so awkward if he’ll be the other lead man! Aly, please tell me you didn’t!”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have too,” A.J. groaned.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t set up Joe for the lead.”
A.J. let out the breathe she’d been holding, “Good. You really had me scared there.”
Aly laughed, “How is Joe, anyway?”
A.J. shrugged, “I don’t know. I haven’t kept in touch with Joe. Once we broke up…”
“Oh… how about Kevin?”
“I get e-mails from him pretty often. I just don’t know what to say, so I haven’t written back yet.”
“You still like Joe. I can tell.”
A.J. crossed her arms and rested her chin on them, “I miss him. He always knew what to say and always at the right moment.”
“And…” A.J. smiled, “He’s a great kisser!”
The girls giggled and Aly finally squeezed out, “So?! What are you waiting for? Give him a ring!”
“No! ‘Cause nothing has changed. There’s still the distance factor.”
“And there’s still the feelings factor. Those haven’t changed either.”
“But… what if?”
Aly rolled her eyes, “In the immortal words of PureNRG, ‘What if, what if, does it matter?’ You won’t know how he feels until you call him.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Don’t think too long. Best decisions are quickly thought out ones, I say.”
A.J. let out a small laugh, “I know.”
“Yeah, ‘College’ is wrapped and the tour hasn’t started yet, so I’m in.”
“You will make a great addition to the film, Drake! We’ll be contacting you and your agent about the contract.”
“Awesome! Got to go, my girls are awaiting me.”
Drake flipped his cell shut, “So… Ashley, Stacy…” he put his arms around their waist, “you girls ready for our date?”
Ashley ran her finger along his jaw line, and up his lips, finally kissing him, “I couldn’t be more ready.”
“Same here,” Stacy said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Drake hailed a cab and the three of them got into the back seat.
“Where too, sir?”
“To the Hotel Gansevoort of course, driver!”
Ashley giggled and swept kisses across his face, while Stacy looked concerned.
“I thought we were going on a date,” Stacy said.
“We are. It might be a bit different than what you had in mind, but I assure, you Casey…”
“It’s Stacy.”
“Whatever. I’m close enough. I assure you, Stacy, that this date will be much more enjoyable for all parties,” Drake said with a smile, as he brushed her arm lightly.
Stacy shrugged him off, disgusted, “No way. I’m not that kind of girl. Driver, drop me off here.”
The driver pulled the car to the curb and Stacy got out, “C’mon Ashley, let’s go.”
Ashley shook her head, “Sorry, Stace, but I’m staying.”
Stacy’s jaw dropped and Drake smiled as he leaned over to close the door, “Later, Stace.”
She stood watching the taxi drive away, in shock at her friend’s decision.
Los Angeles, California:
“I told you! I let your stupid dog out! It’s not my fault he made a mess!”
“Oh, so he’s stupid?! I never called your cat that!”
“That’s ‘cause my cat’s not!”
Zac slammed his car keys on the counter.
Vanessa slammed her keys down, “Let’s just get out of here. You drive,” she said angrily, shoving him in the chest as she walked past.
Zac let out a groan and turned to face his Lab puppy, perched on the kitchen stool. “You just had too, didn’t you boy? You couldn’t wait five minutes…” he sighed, “Be good while we’re gone, Custer,” he said scratching the puppy’s ears.
Zac grabbed the two suitcases and locked the door behind him. After putting the suitcases in the trunk, he got in the driver’s seat and started the car. Vanessa was already on her cell, talking to her agent. Zac sighed and backed out of the driveway. He turned on the radio, and waited for Vanessa to end her phone conversation.
Vanessa closed her phone, excited, “You won’t believe who they got for the other two leads!”
Vanessa cut him off, “A.J. Michalka and Drake Bell!”
The knock on the door persisted for three more times before anything was done about it.
Drake backed out of their kiss, “Let me get the door.”
Drake opened the door to see his agent, Eddie, standing there. “Oh, hey Ed. What’s up?”
Ed had to stop himself from rolling his eyes as the red haired woman rested on Drake, wrapping her arms around his waist and began kissing his neck here and there. “It’s about your new movie. Now that casting is final, he’d like to begin working on the film.”
“Yeah, that’s cool. I’ll get ready.”
“Twenty minutes?”
Drake smiled, “Fifteen.”
The agent closed the door and rolled his eyes. Drake fooled around way too much, and it now annoyed Ed.
Drake turned to Ashley, “I got to go get ready. I wish I could stay and make out some more, but at least you got a taste of the Drakester last night.”
Drake grinned as he shrugged off the robe and tugged on his blue jeans. Ashley grasped his belt loops and moved against him, “I’ll come with you.”
Drake smiled and put his hands on her waist, “Sorry babe, there’s only one ticket.”
Ashley frowned, but quickly perked up, “I’ll give you my cell number!” She pulled away from Drake and scribbled her number on the hotel pad, as he pulled on a black Beatles tee, “Here ya go!” She smiled, as she placed the note in his hands. She curled his fingers around it and kissed him, “Call me whenever, especially when you’re back in New York, and we can get together.”
Drake smiled and slipped the note in his pocket, “Thanks, Cassie.”
She fumbled for a bit, sad he forgot her name. “It’s Ashley, actually.”
Drake hit his pants legs with his palms, “Right… Ashley, sorry.”
He grabbed his suitcase, “Thanks for the good time, Ash. I love New York!”
Ashley smiled, “Bye Drake! Can’t wait for the new movie -- good luck!”
Taking the elevator to the first floor, he looked at the number Ashley had given him. “Pfft! What a loser,” he said with a grin and chuckle, as he crumpled it and tossed it into the trash.
His manager’s car pulled up to the curb at that moment. “Are you ready, Drake?”
“Yeah,” Drake put his suitcase in the trunk and climbed into the backseat.
“What about your ‘friend’ up in the room?”
“Oh yeah, she knows. I had to go. Don’t worry about it, Ed.”
“She’s left with the bill?”
Drake laughed, “Yeah… so?”
Ed shook his head and dialed the hotel’s number, “What room were you in?”
“Seven oh-one.”
“Yes, I’d like to cover the expenses for room Seven oh-one. Bell. Yes, thank you.”
Drake laughed, “You’re a loser sometimes, you know that?”
Ed turned in his seat to look at him, “You are the actor. The one with a good amount of money. It’s only decent if you pay the expenses.”
“Whatever, Ed,” Drake paused and sighed, “thanks,” he said quietly.
“Your welcome.”
Aly tugged on the suitcase and followed A.J. through the airport, “Are you sure you know where you’re going?”
“I’m not sure,” A.J. paused to study the map, “I don’t remember how it’s set up here.”
Aly studied the map with her, “I think B is…” she looked around, “that way?” she said pointing ahead of them.
“Actually, it’s that way,” another voice said, humorously.
Aly turned. “Joe! Hey there, stranger! It’s great to see you!”
A.J. turned at Aly’s exclamation. Once she saw Joe, she was too stunned to even speak.
Joe hugged Aly, “Hey there, Blondie,” he grinned.
Aly hugged him back, and thought Joe would’ve broken the hug, but instead he stayed there, his arms around her. “This is way too uncomfortable,” she thought Forcing the hug apart, she grinned to cover up her awkwardness. But Joe, no. Joe looked taken aback for a bit, but quickly recovered to hug and greet A.J. ---- for not nearly as long. Aly made sure to keep that mental note.
A.J. hugged him back, “Hey, Joe.”
This time it was her who wanted a longer hug, but that didn’t happen.
Aly frowned slightly. Somehow she felt things wouldn’t go the way A.J. and her had hoped they would. His hugs spoke volumes. She crinkled her face in reaction to this new development.
“Um… Aly?” A.J. asked, waving a hand in front of her face.
Joe winked and punched her right arm, “Aly -- c’mon. How ‘bout some lunch? It’s on me.”
Aly stepped back into the real world and rubbed her arm, “Yeah, sure. Sounds good, I’m starved.”
Aly and A.J. sat at the table.
A.J. sighed, “I can’t tell him, Aly.”
“I don’t think he’s interested in restarting a relationship,” A.J. said, playing with the corner of the tablecloth.
Aly let out a small sigh. She didn’t think so either … but how was she going to tell her that?
“Maybe Joe doesn’t know what he wants,” Aly said, sounding a bit more harsh, than what she meant too.
A.J. sat up straighter, picking up on Aly’s tone. She asked, “Aly, what’s wrong?”
Aly faked a smile, “I didn’t say anything.”
“You don’t have too. Your tone gave it away,” she paused, and hesitated before asking: “Are you mad at Joe?”
Aly shrugged at first, then changed her mind. “Yes! I am mad at Joe! He’s got a lot of nerve!”
A.J. began to look uncomfortable, “Um…”
“Waltzing back in here all, ‘Oh hey! Nothing’s a little awkward. We dated, Ooooh hey Aly!’” she said, mimicking Joe’s hug on her.
“Um, Aly…”
Aly sighed, and put her hands on her hips, “Yeah?”
A.J. pointed behind her, “Joe’s right behind you.”
Aly’s eyes got wide and she slowly turned to face Joe.
Joe smiled weakly, “Nice impersonation -- considering…”
Aly narrowed her eyes, “I’m not hungry anymore. A.J. I’ll meet you at the gate,” she paused and smiled, “Joe,” she picked up the pink lemonade she ordered, “thanks for everything!”
With a sweet smile, she poured the drink onto his head, dropped the empty bottle back onto the tray and walked away.
Joe, stunned and dripping, turned to A.J. and cocked a grin, “At least I look good in pink.”
A.J. frowned, “I should go talk to her.”
Joe wiped his face off, “No… maybe it would be best to give Aly some time by herself. I think I know why she’s mad at me. If anybody should say anything to her, it should be me,” Joe paused, “but for now, let’s just enjoy lunch,” he said, handing her the hot dog with chips she ordered.
Vanessa stifled a yawn and leaned her head against Zac, who was looking out the window.
Zac sighed, “If your so tired,” he pushed her head off of his shoulder, “why don’t you get a real pillow?”
Vanessa glared at him, “I hate you.”
Zac mock smiled, “I think that’s been established,” he paused, “likewise.”
Vanessa hit his arm, “You’re such a jerk!”
Zac scoffed, “Whatever, Vanessa. Maybe we just shouldn’t talk to each other.”
Vanessa crossed her arms, “Fine by me. I don’t ever have to talk to you again.”
“Fine by me.”
Aly stormed into the magazine shop. She felt like a pressure cooker about to blow.! Looking at the magazines and seeing Joe plastered all over the teen mags, her anger blew over the top!
Furiously, she tore at the covers skewering Joe’s face into tiny little pieces.
“Ma’am!” The store owner yelled, “you’re going to have to pay for those!”
Tears streaming down her face, she approached the counter, torn magazines in hand, “Here, this should cover them.”
Aly turned to leave, then turned back, “What is it with men? What makes him think he can date my sister, break up with her, never keep in touch, and then suddenly -- BAM!” She smacked her hands together for emphasis, “He comes back and expects something to be A-Okay, and then he hits on me! What is wrong with him?! Does he think I would do that to my sister?! She still loves him!” Aly wiped her red eyes with the back of her hands, “Oh my gosh! There’s like a girl code of honor with that!”
The man behind the counter blinked, “Would you like some Kleenax and a water, ma’am?”
Aly looked at him and smiled, “Aww! You’re so sweet!” she bit her lip, “Would you happen to have something to eat, too?”
Joe dumped their trash into the bin, and placed the tray back up-top.
“How come Kevin and Nick aren’t with you?”
“Kevin and Frankie went to lunch together and Nick,” Joe grinned, “he went shopping … but, I suspect it’s for Miley, he just wouldn’t say.”
“That’s sweet of him,” A.J. said, “I’m sure she’ll like whatever he buys her.”
“I guess you’ll have to meet Aly soon, huh?”
A.J. checked her watch, “Yeah! I almost forgot in about fifteen minutes.”
Joe smiled, “Hey, I remember getting you that watch for your birthday!”
A.J. smiled, “Yeah… That was like my best birthday!”
“I’m just kind of surprised you still have it, that’s all.”
“Are you kidding? I love this watch! I could never get rid of it!”
A.J.’s smile faded, and there was a bit of awkward silence between them.
“Listen, uh A.J., I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying too…”
A.J. dismissed it, “No, Joe… Don’t worry about it, it’s fine. It was great to see you again!”
“Yeah, you too!”
“I have to go meet Aly now… Are you coming?” A.J. asked, hopefully.
“I don’t think it’d be a good idea…”
“I’d like for you to come. I know Aly got mad earlier, but whatever it was, she won’t stay mad… c’mon!”
“I don’t think she’ll be very happy about this….” Joe thought, reluctantly following her.
Aly sat on the bench by the gate entrance, sipping on her Blue Crush slurpee, when she saw A.J. She waved --- and then she saw Joe. Her shoulders slumped, “Great. More awkwardness.”
“Hey!” A.J. said, as her and Joe reached Aly.
“Hi,” Aly said, making room for them on the bench. “Please God, don’t let Joe be next to me!” Aly let out a sigh when she saw that A.J. was between them. “How was lunch?”
“It went pretty well,” A.J. replied.
Joe leaned forward and noticed the torn magazine’s peeking out of her purse. Particularly, he noticed his head ripped to shreds, or missing from his body.
Aly caught him looking at her and then she realized he saw the magazines. She slumped in embarrassment, but then remembered what his motives were in that hug. She sat up straight again, and was bold enough to blatantly pull out the Tiger Beat with Joe’s head missing. She opened it, making sure Joe got a good look at the cover .. But so did A.J.
“Wow… Aly, how come Joe’s head is missing from the cover?”
Aly faked it, “Oh! It is? I guess someone was mad at another person’s motive’s,” she paused, enunciating ‘motives’.
That got Joe’s attention. He leaned forward again, with a look that was half between a frown, guilty and apologetic.
Aly felt a bit smug, seeing Joe’s face -- for now.
Joe stood and put his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans, “Your flight’s going to be boarding soon, so I’ll be going. Besides, I’ll need to be meeting back up with my brothers…”
A.J. stood next, “Aww, you have to go now?”
“Yeah, they’ll probably be announcing it soon…”
Before Joe could even finish his sentence, the loud speaker announced the boarding call for the girls flight.
Joe laughed, “Perfect timing, huh?”
Aly stood up next, and grabbed a hold of her luggage handle.
“Bye Joe,” A.J. said giving him a hug, “let’s keep in touch this time?” she said in his ear, before pulling away.
Joe winked, “You betcha, A.J.”
Next Joe approached Aly, “Hey Aly…”
Aly turned away from him, nonchalantly, “Hey Joe…”
Joe sighed. He could tell he wasn’t going to get anywhere with this. He stuck out his hand, “It was nice to see you again, Aly.”
Aly turned her head to see his extended hand. “Cue the guilt --- now.” She felt terrible! Her earlier behavior came back to haunt her, and she felt like she had indigestion. Joe had understood why she was so upset, and this time he wasn’t even going to hug her!
Aly’s jaw dropped. Speechless and numb she shook Joe’s hand, “Oh um….”
She felt totally disarmed --- it wasn’t fair!
“Bye Joe,” she said softly.
As Joe turned and walked away, Aly let out a sigh. She felt like crap. She knew Joe had definitely picked up on her feelings toward the hug, she was glad in a way that her point got across to him -- and yet, she couldn’t help but feel ashamed and like she’d driven in the knife too far.
A.J. looped her arm through Aly’s, “Aly! I think things are going great! Don’t you? Joe seems to be open to a possible relationship! I’m so excited! He said he’d keep in touch! That is a definite start!” A.J. let out a dreamy, contented sigh.
“I treated Joe like he was the scum of the earth…” Aly trailed off.
“Poor Joe… I treated him so badly.” Aly said, barely above a whisper.
A.J. frowned, “What do you mean? What did you do?”
“I did everything,” Aly rubbed her hands through her hair, “I guess we just better go. Maybe I’ll tell you about it later, for now we better catch our flight.”
Drake sat behind Ed on the flight over, absent-mindedly flipping through those boring airline magazines, when he noticed the cute red-head smiling at him. Cocking his head a bit, he sent a half grin her way, then proceeded to check out every inch of her curvy body. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he moved over to her row and sat down next to her.
“Hi, I’m Drake.”
“Kim,.” she paused, “would you mind getting me an extra pillow?”
“Sure,” Drake stood in the aisle, “excuse me, flight attendant?” Drake was bumped into from behind, by two blondes coming down the aisle.
“Oh sorry,” the shorter one spoke up, “I didn’t mean to run into you, I’m just trying to keep up with my sister.”
Drake was annoyed and brushed off her comment, “Yeah, whatever.” He sat back down and turned his attention to Kim again. He smiled that adorable smile once more, “So, Kim, have you ever been a member of the mile high club?”
“No,” Kim said softly.
Drake leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, “Want to be inducted in?”
Zac looked over at Vanessa, who was soundly sleeping. He sighed. She looked so peaceful sleeping. He reached out slowly and caressed her cheek.
Vanessa stirred and opened her eyes. Feeling Zac’s warm hand against her cheek, she reached up and abruptly slapped it away.
Zac rubbed his sore hand.
“Don’t ever touch me,” Vanessa snarled.
Zac unbuckled his seat belt and stood, “Funny you weren’t saying that a month ago,” he smiled mockingly, “I believe it was, ‘Yes, yes --- oh Zac!’”
Vanessa threw her pillow at him, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, “Just go to the bathroom!”
Zac glared at her and headed towards the bathroom. Pulling open the door, he was shocked to see a couple in there, and before he could react, the man turned to him.
“Hey! Do you mind?”
“Drake!” Zac yelled, “What are you doing?”
“Uh, trying to get to ‘home’!” Drake said, a little quieter than Zac.
“Oh no, not in here you’re not! Get out of there! Some people actually have to use the bathroom!”
Zac reached over and tugged on his arm, pulling him away from the precariously perched girl on the sink.
Drake narrowed his eyes as he straightened his shirt, “Thanks a lot.”
Zac rolled his eyes as the girl stormed out.
“You like crashing parties, loser?”
Zac just glared at her and watched them go back to their seats.
Twenty-Eight Hours Later …. Los Angeles, California:
Aly yawned as she pulled the suitcase off of the pick-up carousel.
“Oh my legs,” AJ said, rubbing her calves.
“I can’t wait to get to the hotel and get some well needed sleep,” Aly exclaimed.
“Oh, I know! We’ve got a reservation at the Ritz,” AJ said, flagging down a cab.
Aly, with the help of the driver, put their suitcases in the trunk, and then slid into the backseat next to her sister. “Do you think we’ll meet the co-stars in the film?”
“Maybe. That would be cool, get to see the rest of the cast,” AJ smiled.
“I’m so excited for you AJ. This is a great film, and I know you'll have a blast making it!"
"Thanks Aly, I really appreciate it," she gave her a hug, then asked: "But, what will you be doing during the filming?"
Aly smiled, "I've got it figured out already. Since I'm done working on 'Rock On', and I don't have another project lined up yet, I'm gonna stay here and take it easy. Soak up the rays, maybe get a tan, shop, and just relax."
AJ laughed, "Sounds really good!"
A few minutes later, the cab pulled up to the Ritz's entrance, and AJ paid him while Aly got their luggage. Once inside the Ritz, the director and producer of the film, were waiting for them.
"Hello! It's so great to finally meet you! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Grant Summers, and I'm the director, and that's Rich Jayson, the producer and screenplay writer."
Rich shook both of their hands and smiled widely, "I'm so thrilled to meet you! It's taken us five years to write and work out all of the small details of this film, and a lot of editing was done to try and tailor it for the PG-13 rating. It's amazing to have such talent help us get this film off the ground!"
Grant laughed, "Rich has always been ecstatic about the project, especially now that it's forming into reality."
Rich shrugged, his cheeks a light pink. “It’s kinda like my baby. I’ve been working on this for about five years. I’m so glad you could be a part of it, A.J.”
A.J. smiled, “I am so excited to be! I’ve always wanted to do a ‘get dirt under your nails’ adventure film! Oh! This is my sister, Aly.”
“Nice to meet you,” Rich smiled as he shook her hand.
“We best be letting the girls get their beauty rest, Rich. We don’t want you to be all tired when we take the boat out by Jamaica tomorrow to start filming.”
“Jamaica?! Awesome!” A.J. exclaimed.
“We’ll see you tomorrow, six-ish then?” Grant asked.
“Yes, totally!” A.J. said.
Aly pushed the elevator button, “So, it looks like you’ll be going to the beach after all!”
The elevator doors opened, and too the girls surprise, Zac and Vanessa were inside.
“Aly!“ Vanessa squealed in surprise.
Aly smiled and hugged her, “It’s great to see you again!”
A.J. smiled, “Hi, I’m A.J.,” she said to Zac.
“Zac,” he smiled back, “I’d shake your hand, but mine are full,” he shot Vanessa a narrow eyed glare, “but it’s nice to meet you all the same.”
A.J. noticed the tension, but didn’t say anything, “Here, let me help you with those,” she smiled and gladly reached for the bigger suitcase.
Zac pulled it away, “I’ll carry the bigger one. Here, take this one,” he said, handing her the medium sized one.
“It’s not that you couldn’t handle it, I know you could, but chivalry’s not totally dead,” he said with a smile and a wink.
“Aww!” A.J. thought. She had just met Zac and already she knew she liked him.
They rode the elevator up to the seventh floor where they got off.
“See you guys on the set!” A.J. said.
“Bye!” Aly waved.
The adjacent doors to the rooms closed.
The girls quickly changed into their pajamas and climbed into bed.
A.J. lay in her bed, her mind racing with thoughts about the film. She couldn’t wait! She knew it was going to be one of the most exciting things to happen to her! Adventure! Action! Romance!
All those things and more --- more than what she could ever fathom.
And with that, she fell asleep.
Feedback is much appreciated! I'm working on Chapter 2 now, and hopefully I can post it soon! :D