Dec 17, 2005 22:45
well here i am. the 18th saturday that ive spent here so far here. i have another three days before christmas furlough begins and i go to a place that i cant stand. given there is a few people that i still like to see. but its the rest and just the society there that i cant stand. people just dont understand what it means to live by the code. outside of the limits of the institute the world is full of liars, cheats and thieves. inside i am safe. a person word is their bond and you dont have to worry about it being broken. out there it might as well be anarchy. i walked the halls of my high school last month. i was disgusted by the sight that i saw. no purpose no intensity. people just riding through lives never challenging themselves. what kind of life is that. not having to lift a finger everything just presented to them.
i live a spartan lifestyle. i dont have privacy. everything i have i had to earn up to the clothes on my back. i life not for myself but for a greater cause. its a shame. we put ourselves through hell so that the rest of the world doesnt have to.
"How much can you know about yourself, you've never been in a fight? I don't wanna die without any scars" im scared in every sense of the word. but that is what allows me to claim superiority over a lesser person. i roll with it. i dont have a choice. this place doesnt give a shit what happens to you. you cowboy the fuck up and you press on. you fight until there is nothing left and collapse knowing you put everything you had into the effort. how many out there can say that they have put that much effort into something.
call me jaded or w/e the hell you want i dont have the time nor the inclination to listen to your pitiful story. try my life and then ill listen to what you have to say.
"there is no need to suppose that humans differ very much from another: but it is true that the ones that come out on top are trained in the hardest school."