CT: Flirt

Apr 15, 2009 20:11

Patient’s Name: John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Prompt: 61.4 - Flirt
Spoilers: None.
Word Count: 202
Partner: Ronon (canon)
A/N: The first line was pilfered from writers_muses, however this is not a response to it, as Sheppard is not a memeber of that community yet. I apologize profusely, but it just wouldn't go away.


"Let's just say it's enough to get me arrested," John said, shaking his head. After a moment he added, "Several times over. And in every damned country on Earth."

"Yeah, but we're not on Earth," Ronon pointed out unhelpfully.

Sheppard gave Ronon a pained look. "That's not the point!"

"On Sateda, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You'd have gone off and tried it by now," Ronon said with a grin.

"Well, we're not on Sateda, either," Sheppard replied, letting a little snark into the words. "And besides, it's the principle of the thing. I was raised with better manners than..."

"Whatever," Ronon said, cutting his friend off with a wave of his hand. "From what I've seen, you really don't have any qualms about it."

Sheppard sputtered. "Yeah, but I've only initiated it, like, once. Maybe twice! All those other times, I didn't have a choice."

Ronon grinned. "You always have a choice, buddy. And you seem to always choose to indulge. So, go indulge."

Sheppard shook his head. "Not with the High Priest's daughter. That's like sacrilege. And against her vows. Which brings me back to being arrested. Or whatever it is here that they'd do. Public flogging. Human sacrifice to appease the girl's honour."

Ronon leaned in and played his trump card, "Yeah, but she's been eyeing you since we got here. Something tells me she's going to make the decision for you. So I say it again: go. Indulge. Like you said, you don't have a choice."

Sheppard watched as Ronon walked away, forestalling any other protests that he might have against the Satedan's logic, and the Colonel's shoulders sagged.

"Dammit," he breathed softly. "I never see this coming..."

canon, couples therapy

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