Impromptu Trip to Earth...

Oct 19, 2011 20:30

Mia had been acting weird. End of story. He didn't care if no one believed him, but only because he was in no position to really do anything; plus, without concrete evidence that something was amiss, there was nothing to be done. So unless or until Wes got back to him in some way, John would have to be content with being irked.

And then, during the dial in the following week, John got the email he was hoping would never come. He fired off a quick reply and then headed to the Control Room to talk to Carter. By that time the call was over and he found the Colonel in her office.

"You got a minute?" he said, poking his head in the door.

"What's up, John?" she replied.

He told her about the email argument and the request to be contacted if anything got worse, along with the email he just got and the reply he'd sent. By the time he'd finished talking, Carter was heading out the door and calling to Chuck to dial the SGC. It takes a few moments while they wait for Landry. Apparently he's been on the phone with Wes, and the details he provides send a chill down John's spine. Carter simply gives him a look that says "go," and he's off to collect his team. He wishes he could take Major Lorne with him, but as the Second-in-Command, he's needed on Atlantis.

Twenty minutes later they're stepping into the wormhole to Midway. Quarantine is simply a quick bio-scan and then they're shuffled through the Milky Way gate to appear in the SGC a scant hour after the weekly report.

In lieu of Major Lorne, Colonel Mitchell falls in with him along with several other SGC Marines, all of them geared and ready to go.

"Agent Barrett is already en route with his NID agents," Mitchell reports. "They've been tracked to a van outside an empty warehouse."

John winces. "Of course they have. Do we know what the thing wants yet?"

"Not a clue. Janson didn't say, so I have to assume he managed to subdue it before the plan was fully executed."

John snorts. "Remind me to buy him a drink for that."

"Will do. Landry wants it alive, if possible."

"No promises," John replies with a grim smile. "We'll have to alert the Academy Hospital that we'll be incoming with un-cleared patients; Ellis will need to have his techs perform a site-to-site transport to keep things uncomplicated."

"No problem. Would you like breakfast in bed with that?" With a glance up at the control room window to gain Landry's blessing, Mitchell keys his radio. "Apollo, we're ready to beam."

In the space of four heartbeats, with a brief interlude to relay the information regarding the sight-to-sight from New York to Colorado and back, Team Sheppard, along with Mitchell and the cadre of Marines are materializing in a safe zone outside the area of the warehouse. They secure the area and move in to join Agent Barrett, who meets them on the outer-most perimeter of the quarantined zone.

John can see the Van in the distance and his eyes narrow before he forces himself to pay attention to Barrett's report. Wes, Mia, and who knows what else are in the van.

Giving orders to futher secure the area and surround the van, John - followed by Teyla and Ronon - approaches the back doors of the vehicle while McKay and Barrett hang behind. Mitchell and the rest fan out, weapons trained on the windows and doors while the NID agents cover their six and keep an eye on the perimeter.

As the three get close, Teyla and John flank the rear doors and John gives a nod to Ronon.

"This is the United States Marine Corps," the Satedan calls out. "Identify yourselves!"

[OOC: Posting order will go John, Aidan, Wes, Mia.]

wes janson, rp thread, skye kitten, mia jesbar, aidan janson

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