CT: Involved

Nov 19, 2009 15:34

Patient’s Name: John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Prompt: 85.3 - Involved
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 630
Partner: Rodney McKay (blewupsolarsys)


"This is all your fault," John growled, his expression dark.

"How is it my fault?" McKay asked, his voice rising in pitch defensively.

"Oh, I don't know," John replied, sarcasm twisting the words into something nasty. He looked down to take in the two chairs he and McKay were currently sitting in side-by-side. This normally wasn't a cause for concern, but the fact that John's left wrist was bound to the armrest with a zip-tie, and his right arm was bound not just to the armrest, but to McKay's arm, from finger-tips to shoulders, was just a little disconcerting. He and McKay had been having a blazing row in McKay's lab about one of McKay's recent idiotic science experiments that required a very dangerous off-world mission when his daughter, niece and nephew descended on them. Aaron and Kyra had knocked both men into the chairs and zip-tied their hands to the one armrest, while Moira placed McKay's hand in John's and proceeded to duct tape them together. How she managed to get the tape up around their upper arms while they were in such close proximity was beyond him. Nevertheless, he silently vowed to quite giving them survival lessons. "Possibly because you taught your kids that holding hands makes things better?"

"Well how was I supposed to know they would hear us arguing?"

"I think everyone heard us arguing, McKay."

"You were the one who started yelling!"

"I only started yelling because you refused to see my point!"

"You had no point," McKay accused, his voice once more rising to a shout.

"My point, McKay," John said with another, low growl, putting emphasis on McKay's name to get the other man to shut up, "was that the last time you and I did something like this, you blew up five-sixths of a solar system and we almost died."

"This is nothing like that!" McKay exclaimed.

"Yes," John stated firmly, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, "yes it is, McKay. It's the exact same thing. You're target-fixated and you're going to do serious damage."

"No, no you're wr-" McKay trailed off as a very tiny throat-clearing noise was heard from the doorway to the lab.

Both men turned to see Moira regarding them with an arched expression. She gave them a wry smile and the turned on her heel and fled. John blinked rapidly a few times as he stared at the spot she had just been occupying, and he suddenly had a very bad feeling about this.

"Shut up, McKay, and figure a way to get us untied. Because if she ran off to do what I think she's going to do and we don't get out of here before that happens, I will kill you."

"How charming," McKay sniped.

"You won't think so when I'm holding a gun to your head. Now think, dammit..."

"Fine," McKay relented with a heavy sigh. "You win, but if I get us out of this, you have to let me go ahead with my experiment."

"No. If you get us out of this I'll let you live. And if you continue to insist that you go ahead with this thing, I'll make sure Moira knows exactly how to pick up guys before she's ten."

"You wouldn't," McKay said, suddenly horrified. John watched as the colour drained from the scientist's face.

"Try me," he said, staring his friend down.

McKay held his gaze for a moment, but then looked away in defeat. "Dammit," he breathed. "Okay, fine. I'll get us out. Just...just gimmie a second to think."

John smiled in triumph, his still dark mood turning the expression into more of a sneer. McKay would get them out before Moira got back with her first tour of people, John was sure of it...

spawn, couples therapy

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