CT: Pillow Talk

Sep 02, 2009 15:15

Patient’s Name: John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Prompt: 78.1 - Pillow Talk
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 550
Partner: Rodney McKay (canon, non-slash)


It had been a long, tiring day and John was positive that it would never end. And it didn't. It just kept going. And going. Senior officers had spent three sleepless days trying to ward off the latest catastrophe that involved Wraith, Genii, a ticking time-bomb of a disease-filled bomb-turned-false-alarm-distraction, a city that was possessed and turning against them and a slightly unnerving round of stalking psychotic Marines. John's bed had never looked so good, and - due his penchant for smashing that snooze button a little too hard - he had a feeling that he'd be needing to requisition a new alarm clock by the end of it all. He was sleeping for a week straight, if he could get away with it.

Peeling off his base uniform and showering was the best feeling in the world. Putting on his PJ's and smelling the crisp sheets and sliding between them was better than any lover's caress. And the lack of his earbud was the incredibly sweet blessing on this long-time-in-coming cake. His head nestled into the pillow and his eyes closed with a sigh .He turned onto his side and snuggled under the covers, and took several deep breaths, letting the tension bleed out of his body. His brain was finally registering that it was allowed to shut down for more than thirty seconds and his thoughts were getting fuzzy with sleep and...

...His radio chirruped. He groaned and pressed his face into the pillow, willing the noise to go away. When it didn't, he could feel himself wanting to cry out of sheer frustration. Without moving too much, he grabbed the earbud and prayed this was just some weird-ass, stress-induced dream.

"Whoever this is better be dead or dying," he said in place of the usual standard, voice gruff from fatigue as he held the earbud in place with one hand. He didn't even bother opening his eyes.

"Funny," came McKay's voice. "Listen, I think I have something that'll fix the problem with-"

"Great. Tell me in two days," John said, cutting McKay off. "Sheppard out." And with that, John cut the connection and put the earbud back onto the night table.

With a sigh, he settled back into the bed, shifting a little to get comfortable again. The buzz in his head was starting to dissipate and he was almost giddy with anticipation of the sweet, sweet obliv-...sigh. The radio chirruped again and John squeezed his eyes shut with another groan before he grabbed it and held it to his ear again.

"What?" he answered tersely. Unsurprisingly, it was McKay on the other side again.

"What do you mean what? You cut me off and hung up on me!"

"Yeah, and I'm about to do it again," John replied.

"No, no, no!" McKay protested. "I need to tell you-!"

"It. Can. Wait, Rodney," John answered angrily. "Until twelve hours from now at the very least."


"No buts, except for yours not bothering me anymore. Good night, Rodney."


John didn't hear the rest of McKay's protest as he shut the connection and threw the earbud against the wall. It hit with a solid crunch and John mentally added a new one of those to his requisition list, to go along with the new alarm clock.

canon, couples therapy

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