Imperial Setting: Crunch

Nov 23, 2008 22:44

As mentioned before, I'm going to be running the Imperial Setting spy game under BESM rules, Second Edition. To run an espionage-based game, however, I've put together a set of house rules: a new skill, some new advantages, some new weapon attributes, and a revised weapons list. All are below.

Persuasion (Soul)- This skill covers use of reasoned argument, appeals to the emotions, and outright fast-talk to get someone to do what you want. It's distinct from Seduction, which covers using sex appeal, and Intimidation. 4 pts/level in this campaign.

[Lack of this seems like a major bug in BESM, and I'm tired of running everything under one of the skills above, Art of Distraction, or Aura of Command. It's just clunky.]

[Yes, you can use these to make your own weapons, talk to me about it.]

Concealable- This attribute now comes in multiple levels, and can be taken up to four times. One level of Concealable means a weapon that can be hidden under normal clothing with some work, like a normal pistols. Two levels is an easily concealable weapon, like a Walther PPK or snub nosed .38 revolver. Three levels means that a weapon can be concealed in a palm, or that it is disguised as something innocuous and will not show up on weapon detectors. Four levels is a palm-sized or smaller weapon that is disguised and will not show up on detectors.

Silent- What it sounds like. Most weapons make some noise. Yours doesn't- someone a couple feet away might hear something, but any farther and they won't have a clue. Note that any unpowered melee weapons such as knives get this by default.

Portfolio- 2 pts/level

You own stock in one or more zaibatsu, and are counted among the Shareholder class. Maybe you bought it yourself, or maybe you inherited a hereditary portfolio from people who actually did the work. Regardless, it's yours now.

Level 1- Your portfolio doesn't have any real value, but you can get invited to cool parties and bluff your way into all but the most exclusive restaurants and clubs. Amazing what being called "Shareholder" will do.

Level 2- Your portfolio gives you a small slush fund of extra cash. Never can tell when you might need a few thou for a rainy day.

Level 3- You don't really need to work if you don't want to- it might be lean, but you could do it. You can probably secure a meeting with a minor government official without any trouble, and you're expected to have a few flunkies or bodyguards around pretty much anywhere- which means anyplace that lets you in, has to let them in too.

Level 4- You've likely never wanted for money and could live well just sitting on your ass and watching your investments grow. You can get facetime at need with a planetary government minister or an Imperial assistant minister, and a fair-sized entourage is expected.

Level 5- Your wealth exceeds the gross product of certain planets. You're filthy, stinking rich, you get invited everywhere, you could probably swing a meeting with a planetary head of state of a member of the Council of State without too much trouble, and no establishment would dream of barring you and whoever you might have as a guest. (Put it this way- if you showed up at the most exclusive restaurant on the Imperial Capital, with no reservation, dressed in clear shrink wrap, with an Authoritate secret policeman and a squad of combat geneforms, an Alliance psychosurgeon, and five hundred drug-crazed heavily armed psychotic neofascist gang members all wearing t-shirts that said "Loot, Ravish...THEN Burn"-you might get a raised eyebrow. Otherwise, you're good)

Armsman- 4 pts.

You are an Imperial Armsman or Armswoman, and can carry the burnsword and military grade weapons. You are subject to the Code Duello and may be called to defend your honor if you strike or insult a fellow Armsman.

Alternate Identity- 2 pts/Identity.

You have one or more sets of duplicate papers ginned up and ready to go, complete with retinal contacts, fingerdrops, a cosmetic surgeon on speed-dial, and electronic records showing where you went to school, got a job, opened bank accounts, and bought a house. Good for one disappearing act.

Diplomat- 4 pts.

You are an accredited member of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, either because you enjoy the highest trust and esteem of your nation or because they want to make sure they can bail your sorry ass out of jail when you get caught doing what they told you to do in the first place. You have a free pass at any foreign border, your mail may not be opened or inspected, and you have diplomatic immunity from all host nation laws. Of course, if you did something really bad, accidents have been known to happen...

Network- 4 pts/Level

You have recruited or obtained the proper contact procedures for a network of stay-behind agents in one or more foreign states. Some of them might like you, but these folks generally do things for cash, and their willingness to carry out any particular act tends to vary directly with how much money you have and inversely with the risk. This advantage may be bought more than once, to represent coverage in more than one nation- and can be bought within the Empire, too.

Level 1- A few agents in one particular area of the country, who provide you with a pretty detailed understanding of what's publicly going on there and the odd bit of secret information from a drunk soldier, lonely technician, or local hacker.

Level 2- As Level 1, but you cover pretty much the whole nation with a network feeding you news and little tidbits. Assume as a guideline that you have an agent in any city with a population of more than 50,000, and at least one per planet.

Level 3- Your network extends as per Level 2. In addition, your agents can provide minor support, such as fake ID, simple weapons, an out of the way place to crash, or access to the local black market. Alternately, you can have one or two highly placed agents in a given part of the nation, who can provide highly classified information.

Level 4- Three options: 1) You have a network that extends as in Levels 2 and 3, but your agents can provide major support such as military-grade ordinance, transport on smuggling ships, fully equipped safe houses, and hired muscle. 2) You have a network that extends over a significant part of the country or its government, that consists of highly placed agents with access to classified information. 3) You have one agent- but he or she is someone like an Authoritate Field Marshall, an Alliance Coordinator, Combination Planetary Boss, Zaibatsu CEO, or member of the Imperial Council of State. Imagine a list of the 5,000 or so most influential people in human space- yeah, one of them works for you. Needless to say, if you cause this agent to be blown, you'd better hope that Transgalactic Temps is hiring. If you grovel really hard before they fire you, your letter of reference from Intelligence might not include the words "kitten molester".

Friends in High Places- 3 pts.

You know people. And some of those people know people who get called things like "Magnate", "Minister", and "Your Highness the Prince". You have an easy time sliding into high society pretty much anywhere by dropping a few names, high-ranking people relax when you mention who you went to school with, and it's easy to get favors like party invitations, meetings with important people, and access to places you might not normally be allowed to go. After all, any friend of Shareholder Tomonaga's has to be a friend of theirs.

Friends in Low Places- 3 pts.

You know people. And some of those people know people who get called things like "Underboss", "The Plasma Torpedo", and "Oh shit, I thought he was still in jail!". You can blend into any hive of scum and villany in human space, underworld snitches get real cooperative when you mention who you might let know where they live, and it's really easy to get ahold of things like repeating blasters, nova dust, and nuclear plastique. After all, any friend of Don Tuscanetti's better be a friend of theirs.

Listing is: # of damage points, any attributes and flaws, and how many major items the weapon counts as.

Items marked with a * are illegal except to members of the military and Imperial Armsbearers.

Blaster Pistol- 10 DP, Concealable x2, Short Range- 1 Major
Heavy Blaster Pistol- 20 DP, Concealable, Short Range- 1 Major
Blaster Autopistol- 20 DP, Concealable, Autofire, Inaccurate, Short Range- 1 Major
Gauss Pistol- 15 DP, Concealable x3, Silent, Short Range- 2 Major
*Blaster Assault Carbine- 25 DP, Autofire, Short Range- 2 Major
*Blaster Assault Rifle- 30 DP, Autofire- 3 Major
*Blaster Long Rifle- 50 DP, Long Range, Accurate, Slow (or lose Accurate advantage)- 4 Major
*Repeating Blaster- 35 DP, Penetrating, Autofire, Static- 3 Major
Stungun- 60 DP, Concealable, Stun, Only in Air, Limited Shots(3)- 2 Major
*Gauss Derringer- 15 DP, Concealable x4, Short Range, Limited Shots(3)- 2 Major

Palm Shocker- 80 DP, Concealable x4, Silent, Stun, Melee, Self-Destruct- 1 Major
[A one-use electrical shocker- can collapse pretty much any nervous system, but it burns itself out]

*Burnsword- 35 DP, Penetratin, Melee, Concealable when off. Major item is n/a- if you want one of these, takes Armsbearer.

roleplaying, imperial setting

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