(no subject)

May 01, 2009 17:01

Date: March 15, 2003 (?)
Status: Loki (Public- Loki, Dream - Complete)
Setting: The Sitting Room
Summary: Loki meets Dream.

After a few visits to look for possible 'customers' Loki had almost given up on the sitting room entirely. There hardly ever seemed to be anyone inside.

Today on his way outside to practise he thought he heard sounds coming from it. It was probably the TV which meant that whoever was inside probably wouldn't be interested in talking or playing cards, but Loki wasn't really looking forward to shape shifting with an injured arm. It wasn't a problem to avoid using his left arm while human, but all his other shapes required it for walking or flying. Exploring the origin of the sound was a welcome excuse to avoid practise.

He opened the door and walked in.

american loki (free), dream (free), .closed

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