Rose's nightmares come alive

Jun 28, 2010 00:53

Time: 1st May, after midnight
Place: Rose's room, the hallway on the first floor, then the lobby
Status: Public (Anyone may find her in the lobby)
Summary: Rose wakes up from a nightmare but the nightmare keeps going on

She was Cloud. She was running on all fours, following the scent of her twin and her uncle. Sniffing the ground, trying to find them. An unexplicable feeling of dread in her gut.

Grass under her paws, soft wind in her fur, the familiar scent in her nose. There, the barn. It can't be, it burned down, Vicky burned it down. But there the barn was, the doors gaping open, inviting and threatening at the same time. Cloud crept closer to the barn, sniffing the grass and the air, getting closer and closer to the doors.

A deep growling sound startled her. She knew that growl! It was that of her pack leader, her uncle! Cloud ran the few meters to the doors and skidded to a halt in shock when she heard a gunshot. She didn't want to believe her eyes. She couldn't believe her eyes!

There on the floor lay Tag, a big black werewolf. The alpha male of her pack and her uncle. He wasn't breathing, blood was seeping into the floor. The grass eater Biehn stood in the corner of the barn, rifle still in hand. A whining sound escaped her throat and died when she took in the rest of the barn.

There was another wer in there. A russet one, lying on a table. A wer she knew very very well. Storm! Nonononononooooo And the arrogant nephew of the grass eater, Williams. With a knife. Skinning the wer. Her twin brother.

This time she couldn't repress the anguished howl, couldn't think, couldn't breathe. She only felt pain and loss and sadness and...

Her own howl woke her up and she realised she was lying in her bed at the manor, but she was Cloud so she must have changed in her sleep. Which was strange because she knew how to control the changes, she wasn't a cub anymore for crying out loud! The smells and sounds woke her from her shock but the sight before her put her right back in another sort of shock: there, in her room, were the grass eater and his nephew and both dead wer.

Cloud began to shiver uncontrollably, consumed by sorrow and pain and rage. She stepped forward, growling, intent on bringing those murderers to justice. Under pack law. And then she saw Biehn lift his rifle and instincts made her jump and turn to run. Too late. She heard the gunshot as her paws left the ground and the next moment a searing pain tore through her left shoulder, taking her breath away.

She heard Williams scream at his uncle in an accusing voice, heard the words. 'Did you have to ruin the pelt? Nobody's gonna pay for a pelt with holes in it!' She didn't stay to hear more, didn't want to know more.

Cloud ran and stumbled, howling in a very physical pain when she tried to put weight on her left foreleg. She hobbled away as fast as she could, trying to get away, trying to find the someone, anyone to help her fight these bastards.

She could hear footsteps coming closer, could hear the nephew cursing. 'Now the damned beast is getting away. You would have just have to wait a moment and it would have stepped into one of the traps. The poison would have made short work of that abnormality and the pelt would have brought me a small fortune.'

Cloud kept hobbling, whining and gasping in pain and sorrow. She heard someone loading a gun, another gun. And she remembered Henry's injury. The nephew had a shotgun! She stumbled and tried to walk faster, resulting in nearly falling face first to the floor. But she was out of her room and maybe she could vanish into the darkness of the manor hallways. She decided that her white fur was even more noticeable than her pale skin and changed to her two-legged form.

Rose moaned in pain and cradled her left arm to her chest. Blood flowed from the wound in her left shoulder. The bullet must have hit and broken her clavicle for the pain to be this intense. Naked and shivering Rose started to run. The stairs were her destination, they would take her to the ground floor and then she could leave the manor and vanish into the woods. Those murderers didn't know those woods, they wouldn't be able to find her there!

She could hear footsteps behind her even before she'd reached the stairs. Then shouting 'That bitch changed back!' And some curses. And then another shot the moment she turned right to run down the stairs. Something hit her right thigh and it hurt and it made her leg fold without her ordering it to do so and the next moment she was tumbling down the stairs, screaming in pain when her left shoulder hit one step, curling up to avoid damage to her head.

When Rose reached the ground floor she just lay there. Her whole body hurt and she could feel blood flowing from several small holes on the outside of her right thigh, realising it must have been the nephew who shot her. But her left shoulder hurt the worst, making her grit her teeth and moan.

Realisation crashed down on her. My twin is dead. Peter is dead. His murderer will skin him and sell his pelt and I'm too weak to do anything. I was too late. I was too weak. Peter is dead. And Uncle Stuart is dead. He'll never again scold me for doing something wrong. I'll never see him again. They're dead. Maybe they're all dead and Peter and Uncle Stuart were here to warn me and save me. My family's dead.

On and on her thoughts went while she lay there bleeding. To Rose it seemed like a small eternity but it could have only been half a minute or so because her pursuers hadn't reached her yet. Rose shivered and didn't even try to get up anymore. If her family was dead, she didn't want to live either. There was nothing to live for anymore. They could kill her for all she cared.

"The bastard won't get a pelt from me." Was her very satisfying thought while she waited for a death blow that never came…

rose, .dreamstone plot, .closed, raphael

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