Gabriel arrives

Mar 03, 2009 15:42

Date: March 9, 2003(?)
Status: Private? [Gabriel, Ishtar ] Complete!
Setting: Entrance of Tadfield Manor
Summary: Gabriel arrives.

Rain was falling softly. In fact, it could hardly be called anything more than a drizzle. It had been much heavier earlier, though, which was why the Messenger looked rather rumpled. He landed on the lawn with a soft thump, barely managing to land on his feet. Remaining airborne with wet wings took effort. And he'd been hoping to make a nice graceful entrance... At least there was noone out here to witness his undignified landing.

The Manor's facade was certainly impressive; its architecture reminded Gabriel of the last time he'd been to Earth, a century ago. Gabriel ran a hand over his dark, wind-mussed hair and folded his damp wings. Hopefully I'll have time to dry them properly later. He pushed open the door of the Manor and walked in.

"Good morning, sir, I'm Mary Hodges, or Sister Mary if you prefer. How may I help you?"

Gabriel blinked; the woman didn't seem in the least surprised to see a faintly glowing, white-robed being with disheveled wings walking towards her, yet she was obviously human. Time enough to find out about her later.

"Er, yes, I suppose. I need to speak with Adam Young; I have a message for him. Would you happen to know where he is?"

Sister Mary shook her head, smiling ruefully. "I'm sorry, he isn't here at the moment. I'm not quite sure when he'll be back, it could be tomorrow or in a week or more. But do feel free to take a room here and wait for him if you'd rather deliver the message personally. I presume you are Gabriel?"

Gabriel nodded slowly. I wonder if, had someone else been sent with a message, they would have been mistaken for me. Honestly. The moment you say the word 'message' or anything similar... Should I wait here for Adam or should  I go and look for him? I was, after all, instructed to find him here. Perhaps I'll stay; this way I can take a short break, and  keep Uriel company. "Yes, I am Gabriel. Alright, I'll look for a room. Thank you." He smiled at her and left to look for a room.

Uriel was here, too, he knew, and he could sense Phanuel as well.. He'd go looking for the other angels later, when he looked a little less bedraggled. For now, though, there was a lovely room with light blue walls, a cosy bathroom, a little table and a large window right next to the bed. Perfect. He pushed the door so that it was just slightly ajar, retrieved a fluffy towel from the bathroom, seated himself on the soft bed and set to work.

It was odd that, despite the vast array of talents at the disposal of ethereal beings, particularly archangels, drying wet wings didn't seem to be among them.

ishtar (free), .closed, gabriel (free)

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