Date: April 14, 2003
Status: Private (Matthew, Gabriel) - Complete
Setting: Manor grounds
Summary: Matthew the Raven is bored of flying around and hoping to bump into somebody he knows...
Matthew circled around Lower Tadfield again. "I need your help" Daniel had said. He hadn't said it was going to be this tedious. He'd been looking around Lower Tadfield for more than a fortnight and it was boring as all hell.
It came with the job of being the Dream Lord's Raven though. He knew that Daniel wasn't able to leave his post. He'd seen the disruptions that were threatening to overwhelm the dream realm, the tears in the sky and the bottomless chasms striking across the landscape. So he couldn't venture out but somebody needed to investigate.
He'd looked around the manor as best he was able to. He'd looked around the town for anything out of the ordinary. and then he'd done it again. And again. And again. And now he was wishing that somebody else had been sent. Though if he was honest there was nobody better than him to do the job.
He landed on a branch of a tree out the front of the manor and spent some time watching pretty much nothing. He'd love to be watching the comings and goings but there weren't any.
Daniel had told him what little he knew of the other patrons. It wasn't much. Gabriel was here and matthew had met him a few times. But that was it. Nobody else had been ruled out of suspicion yet.
Matthew flew down to one of the benches in front of the hotel. He could see better from here...