Date: March 19th, 2003
Status: Private (Loki, Gabriel - Complete)
Setting: Gabriel's room
Summary: Loki goes exploring and has a scary encounter of the furry kind.
It was time to start on the small and fast shapes, Loki decided and he'd start with his favourite. The cockroach, perfect for sneaking into places or minor pranks and almost impossible to kill. He could have used it to embarrass the cook or to sneak into Sister Mary's private rooms, but in the end decided to instead sneak into one of the rooms he knew to be taken, but not by whom. It was a good idea to where people lived, especially powerful ones like these.
So Loki shifted in an empty corridor and slipped under the next door. One peek with waving feelers revealed no person, but ... something huge and grey just barely missed him as it slammed down.
Help! Loki dashed into the crack behind the nearest piece of furniture, tiny insect heart hammering with fear. He hadn't realised there was a cat in the house! Now what should he do? There wasn't enough room to change into anything bigger than a mouse in here and that would really be tempting fate.
So he waited and waited and waited until finally he couldn't take it anymore and stuck a feeler out. Nothing happened. Slowly, one leg at a time, Loki crawled out of the crack. Still no attack. Gratefully he shifted back to his human shape and took a look around.
The room was light and neat, decorated in white and blue. The first thing Loki noticed however was the sword leaning against the foot of the bed. He was in a warrior's room. Better be careful. But there were also lilies in a vase and some books on the table, so the person was probably reasonable enough. On the wall above the bed he noticed a beautiful horn. He walked closer to try it out, but just as he reached for it he found his erstwhile attacker. A small grey kitten was asleep on the bed.
"Why, aren't you the most adorable, thing!" Loki exclaimed and lay down beside it. The kitten blinked sleepily and he offered it his fingers for inspection. "May I pet you?"
The kitten didn't seem to mind at all and was soon cuddled against his chest purring happily as Loki scratched behind its ears. The purring was relaxing and the bed soft and comfortable. Loki almost started to doze off himself.