Something fishy

Aug 18, 2005 08:17

Naraht awoke slowly, lazily. The last few days had been so miserable that the moment between sleeping and waking was something to be savored...even if she did feel rather strange. She felt something gently flowing over her as she shifted position...too fluid for sand or soil. If anything, it felt like water, but how could she be immersed in water and still be comfortable?

Finally, the question woke her up enough to open her eyes. She was in water, all right. And, under the water was something gold and slightly shimmery that fanned out at the end into a massive fin whose tips were poking up from the surface. Naraht jumped, confused fear causing her breath to catch in her throat. But memory kicked in before she could yell. Raven had done this, at her request. The only way to save her from the disease that was killing her.

Well, there was only one logical response to that...Naraht started laughing. At herself? At the ridiculousness of the circumstances? At the universe? Probably a little of each. She laughed until tears came. She probably would have laughed longer if her stomach hadn't started complaining that it had been far too empty for far too long.

"Well, back to sampling human food...or whatever mermaid eat," she said. A hoverchair like the one she had used when she'd broken her ankle during her last transformation was sitting near the tub where she'd spent the night. There was a note on the seat.

Got this for you in case you woke up before I got back and wanted to get around. I'm working on something a little better for you, but this should do until then. And don't forget to put a shirt on before you go downstairs.


"You would do something like that, Ray," she said fondly. The shirt he had loaned her last night was draped over the back of the hoverchair. She hauled herself, dripping wet, out of the tub and toweled herself off a bit before pulling it on. Of course, the buttons were a bit too much of a challenge since she wasn't used to having fingers again yet (fortunately, the webbing ended between the first and second joints and didn't interfere much), so she simply knotted it in front to close it.

"Time to face the world," she said, chuckling a little at the idea of trying to explain this to her friends downstairs.
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