Spelunking- Horta style.

Jul 21, 2005 21:01

It's edging toward afternoon as Naraht and Peter make their way into the rocky area behind Milliway's gardens. It was in this place that Naraht hollowed out a cave to sleep in before he found a way to master the stairs. But now he's got something more extensive on his mind. He's going to hunt a cave.

As he glides along, he pays close attention to every sense. The vibrations of their passage behave as a kind of low-level sonar as Naraht 'listens' to the ground below them. Heat gradients and radioactive decay also contribute to give Naraht a general idea of the geological structure of the area. There are caves here, he's certain of it. But, if this one he's sounding for has an opening, it's pretty damn far away.

But that's okay. He'll just make his own.

"Here," he finally says, pausing at one particular spot. "I believe I can hit an opening in about seven meters. Ready, Peter?"
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