1. Had sex: *blinks and shakes his head* nooo, of course not! I'm not that kind of guy! *stares into the camera* have you met me?
2. Bought something: mmhmm--I "bartered" a few things for the best parts of Carson's dinner last night--and I had to do "that special thing" for Radek in payment for scrounging up the candles for me.
3. Gotten sick: not that I recall--but then, I've been invaded by a sentient plant recently--I think I'm going to be suffering from that for a while *huff*
4. Sang: yup, if there's showerin', there's singin'. And I showered.
5. Been kissed: *points at Radek's meme* what he said.
6. Ate something: 'course--Rodney would have my head if I didnt-then Carson would set in--they'd tie me down and make me eat and...wait...curses! why did I eat?!
7. Felt stupid: I live with three geniuses. I'm not an idiot, but please....geniuses
8. Talked to an ex: nope
9. Missed someone: constantly. Yes, I am a sap. Go away, I have a gun.
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: "my bed"? The one I keep for regs' sake--just me. "our bed"? Probably Carson, since I'm not sure the rest of us even got to bed last night.
2. Saw you cry: I don't recall the last time. It was probably Rodney--he stepped on my Back to the Future DVD and broke it.
3. Made you cry: see above.
4. Went to the movies with: my Czech. I took him out on a movie date the last time we had movie night. Necking in the theater is everso fun when you have to try to hide that you're doing it.
5. You went to the mall with: mall? I don't go to malls--well, that one time we all got eaten by the mist, I went with Teyla--does that count even if it was in my head?
6. Last person you talked to on the phone? Do comms count? I remember tapping Carson this morning to wake him up and whispering hot things to him while he dressed.
Have You Ever...
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: God yes.
2. Got in a fight with your pet: my frog Arthur ate my sister's pet beetles Romulus and Remus...it was an ugly scene.
3. Been to California: My grandparents had a vineyard there-and a small farm. I spent most of my summers there as a kid.
4. Been to Mexico: oh God--never again. No mas tequila
6. Been to Canada: Yup
7. Been to Europe: No, but Radek promised he'd take me to Prague when we get back home--
__________________________________________________ __
1. Do you have a crush on someone: *cues the sap* yeah, even though we've been together for a long time now, I still have crushes on Rodney, Radek and Carson--every time's like the first.
2. What book are you reading now: War and Peace of course--I'm right on schedule.
3. Worst feeling in the world: killing someone and not being able to feel the pain of it. Knowing that someone you love is suffering from guilt over the same kind of thing.
4. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: There is no room in my bed for anything else--there's too many of us
5. What's under your bed: Hidden compartments used for storage. --Rodney's chocolate, my stash of liquor for Carson, A few things Radek hasn't let me see yet, quite a few things I probably shouldn't mention here
6. Favorite sport to watch: *glares at Rodney* Football. But I am often forced to watch hockey and have to say I like it, publically.
7. Location: Atlantis
8. Piercing/Tattoos: I had several piercings as a kid--both ears, lowbret--but I let them all heal over when I decided to join the USAF. As for tattoos, you'll have to ask my lovers. I'm not sayin'.
10. Where do you want to get married: It will have to be in the Pegasus galaxy--I'm pretty sure polygamous marriages are against the law in the Milky Way galaxy.
11. Who do you really hate: bugs...that's pretty much it. it's a very manly hate, though.
12. Do you have a job: some people would argue, but yes I actually do have a function around here.
13. Do you like being around people: define "people"...yeah, I love people.
14. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with? When I first figured out how I felt about Rodney, I never imagined he'd feel the same way about me--and that pretty much repeated for Carson and Radek.
15. Have you ever cried? Of course
16. Are you lonely right now: nope, I'm too entertained by this meme.
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: if I say "eye of the tiger", will you promise not to shoot me? Ok, and "my doorbell" by the white stripes. I got hooked on them when Major Sarsyn of the Daedalus brought me some mp3's.
19. Played strip poker: mmhmm--I made Radek play the first time I brought him into the group--and sometimes when the others are busy and we're bored, I make him play with just me.
20. Gotten beaten up: of course. It's a rite of passage when you join the USAF. I went to bed sore and bloody many nights--until I learned that if I made them laugh, they'd leave me alone. That, and I finally learned to fight back. Also related to my "don't ask" tattoo policy
21. Pulled an all-nighter: what, everyone doesn't stay up 72 hours at a time?
22. Been on radio/TV: yeah, I was a DJ for a few years in Highschool. "Mcflyboy" they called me--yeah, I've always been interested in flying.
23. Been in a mosh-pit: yeah, though I don't remember much >__<
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Just about everyone I know these days is bisexual, homosexual or some combination thereof. So yeah, lots.