[Private Log]
Worried about Liz. Don't know what to do. Don't know if there's anything I can do. Wish there was. Hate seeing her like htat... like that. Shouldn't have had so much to drink... You're an idiot, Montgomery Scott. Could've asked Liz to go drinking with you, but... No, don't think about it. Just. Thing. You know. Just let her handle it. Be there, but let her handle it.
[End Private Log]
[Public Log]
You'd think I'd learn my lesson, considering what happened the last time I drank a little too much, aye? So how are you this evening, Enterprise crew? As you can see I have not learned my lesson and I've gone and got myself a little durnk. Drunk. Thing. Problem is, I ran out of good drinkign songs about an hour ago and now I'm wondering if any of you know some good ones. I could usea bit of cheering up, aye? So come on, let me hear 'em. Pub songs, drinkings ongs... songs... thing... bugger.
can't keep my fingers on the right keys. not ever sure i'm writing a log anymore. no, no, i am. heeeeey, enterprsie cerw. crew. hey. drinking songs. gimme. now.
i might share my stash if you do. :D maybe. if i'm feeling generous. who am i kidding if you want some come get some there's plenty more hwere it came form. form.. from. Cheers!
[End Public Log]
[ooc: you can all blame
elizabethdehner's mun for convincing me that posting while I am drunk was a good idea.]