(no subject)

Feb 08, 2011 06:21

Sulu (takeitoutofpark) is available 5:17 am
Sulu 5:17 am
well, now you know exactly why i am never allowed to talk to sylar.
ltcmmdrscott 5:17 am
Just between you and me, I think I probably shouldn't be allowed, either
Sulu 5:18 am
i can see you're keeping out of it too. i'm getting yelled at by a teenage girl for not feeling bad for what i said. this is ridiculous.
ltcmmdrscott 5:18 am
The lad's a psycopath, anyone with eyes can see that
Sulu 5:21 am
well, yeah. and yet i'm still getting guilted into feeling bad for hating him. this is why i try not to get involved with too many people. ugh.
ltcmmdrscott 5:21 am
Hey. Stop worrying about it so much, aye?
Just ignore him.
Sulu 5:23 am
yeah, i'm trying.
ltcmmdrscott 5:23 am
You said it yourself, what he wants is attention. So don't give it to him.
Sulu 5:25 am
it looks like he's shifting attention from his own despair to debra's, which is a pain for her, but she seems like she can handle it.
ltcmmdrscott 5:27 am
She can handle it a hell of a lot better than he can, that's for sure.
Sulu 5:28 am
apparently so. ...are you really getting jack a towel for valentine's day?
ltcmmdrscott 5:28 am
Thinking about it. Why?
Sulu 5:30 am
it's a good idea, is all. the past few months have been kind of hard on him and i think he appreciates gag gifts from you. i'm encouraging it only because he's really terrible when he gets miserable, of course.
ltcmmdrscott 5:31 am
Of course. You haven't got any other motives at all.
Sulu 5:32 am
what other motives could i possibly have? i'm completely impartial, here.
ltcmmdrscott 5:33 am
Which is why I was agreeing that you hadn't got any other motives, naturally.
ltcmmdrscott 5:46 am
Speaking of Jack
Sulu 5:46 am
ltcmmdrscott 5:47 am
Thing is
We'd sort of been talking
Sulu 5:48 am
ltcmmdrscott 5:48 am
Aye, talking
About maybe doing a sort of a casual kind of thing
Sulu 5:50 am
oh yeah?
...i really hope you're not asking me for my permission or something.
ltcmmdrscott 5:50 am
what? no
Sulu 5:51 am
i'm taking it there's something about it that's putting you off, then?
ltcmmdrscott 5:52 am
I'm bad at the whole casual thing. Really bad.
On the other hand
on the other hand, well.
that virus
Sulu 5:53 am
what happened during the virus?
ltcmmdrscott 5:54 am
Sort of
invited him over for drinks
Sulu 5:54 am
ltcmmdrscott 5:55 am
Aye. And. Well. I'm sure I don't have to spell it out for you.
Sulu 5:55 am
i think i get it, yeah.
jack's a good man, you know. if there was anyone i'd trust to not let things get awkward, it'd be him.
ltcmmdrscott 5:58 am
aye, yeah
it's just
it's been a while, you know?
Sulu 5:59 am
yeah, i know. still. you're interested, right?
ltcmmdrscott 6:00 am
Sulu 6:00 am
and jack's obviously interested, or else it wouldn't have come up.
so really, it's been a while, but that's no reason for you not to try pursuing something you're interested in.
ltcmmdrscott 6:01 am
aye, I suppose you're right.
[so much he's not admitting here. so, so much.]
Sulu 6:03 am
[sulu's getting that impression, yeah.]
is it just how long it's been that's holding you back, here?
ltcmmdrscott 6:04 am
not really, no
Sulu 6:05 am
well, what else is bothering you?
Sulu 6:05 am
you know i'm keeping this confidential, here.
ltcmmdrscott 6:06 am
aye, I know.
[going to take him a bit to work through it, sorry]
Sulu 6:07 am
[sulu will just be here, waiting patiently. he knows this relationship stuff is hard, really he does.]
ltcmmdrscott 6:08 am
[Not only is relationship stuff hard, he feels really ridiculous for talking about it with someone so much younger than him.]
Thing is
Right, thing is
ltcmmdrscott 6:10 am
I mean, I don't do casual
not very well
but it's not like I've got time for anything else
Sulu 6:13 am
i really can't tell you what to do in the situation, but... you've talked to jack about this, right? you've explained your reservations?
ltcmmdrscott 6:13 am
aye, we talked about it
a bit
Sulu 6:14 am
what did he say?
ltcmmdrscott 6:16 am
I told him, right, I told him I was no good at casual, said I'd done it once and it didn't work out, right, because I ended up getting attached and she ended up leaving, and you know what he said? said he wasn't going anywhere.
Sulu 6:18 am
i think you can believe him on that, scotty.
ltcmmdrscott 6:43 pm
right, well.
Sulu 6:46 pm
jack does things differently than a lot of people. i don't think his version of "casual" is quite as casual as the kind you get, say, at the academy.
ltcmmdrscott 6:46 pm
thing is, what happens if one of us [read: him] gets attached? I mean, I really haven't got the time to go popping off to Cardiff whenever I feel like it, and he's busy with Torchwood. There's just no time
Sulu 6:51 pm
you'd be surprised at how much free time you can wind up with around here. and even if you don't, then... make it a point to talk to each other on the community, maybe. make plans far in advance to get together. if you want something to work, you put in effort to make it work.
ltcmmdrscott 6:54 pm
I suppose if it comes down to it
Nothing to lose, aye?
Sulu 6:55 pm
essentially, yeah. if it doesn't work out, jack is the last person to hold a grudge over it. and let's face it, the man's too godawfully charming to hold a grudge against, so. you've pretty much got no reason to not go for it.
ltcmmdrscott 6:56 pm
he's... something else, that's for sure
Sulu 6:56 pm
the way ianto talks about him, i'm pretty sure that's an understatement, there.
ltcmmdrscott 6:59 pm
aye, probably so
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