What's your real name?: Scout
Age?: 22
Where do you live?: Just outside Birmingham, Alabama.
Do you have a job?: Not currently.
How much RP experience do you have?: If you include tabletop RPGs and... um... the occasional LARP... I've been RPing for about seven years now, although it's only in the past four years or so that I began RPing on LJ.
What are your feelings about shipping?: It happens. Sometimes even when you don't mean it to. There are a few ships that I can't stand may Scotty/Chekov be struck from existence but for the most part I'm pretty laid back when it comes to shipping.
What are your feelings about smut?: I'm perfectly comfortable with writing smut, perhaps because I don't really take writing it too seriously. That's not to say that I make a joke of it - just that I'm not going to let myself get hung up on making sure it sounds absolutely perfect. Some of the hottest smut threads I've written have happened this way. That said, smut is pretty incidental to everything else, and I can't just jump in and write smut without following the logical progression of actions and whatnot that lead up to smut. And I really really like writing realistic smut.
Are there things you won't RP?: The general rule of thumb is - don't RP anything I wouldn't be comfortable writing. As a writer, I've written some pretty out there stuff. As an RPer, I've RPed some pretty out there stuff. I'm sure there's probably some things that I won't RP but I've never run into them.
What are your favorite things to RP?: I seem to have a thing for tragic characters, and tragedy in general - which is really fucking weird, considering my most active muse has the most perfect life of any muse I've ever played ever. That said, I do like the other end of the spectrum too, the comic relief characters, and it's always satisfying to find the
What's something you wished would get RPed more?: Personally, or in general? I can't actually think of anything off the top of my head.
Are you plot driven?: I've always been of the opinion that if I know the character well enough, plot will happen. So I focus on the character, then drop them into unexpected scenarios to see what happens. Usually we call what happens "plot".
Slow or fast tagger: It depends. When I get in the groove I'm pretty quick, but some days it takes the muses a little longer to wake up.
Who are your active muses?:
eatabean_bedone, and occasionally
ltcmmdrscott, and
justgotreal, among others.
Your favorite muses to write?: Definitely the Scotties, although
lt_cmmdr_scott is my favorite of them all. Mirror Scotty - who shares this journal with normal!verse Scotty - is a close second. Learning all the technobabble necessary to play the Chief of Engineering is a lot of fun, too. By now, I could probably rattle off some completely made up something-or-other about the subspace harmonics interfering with the dispersal pattern of the matter stream, resulting in a need to increase the length of time the matter stream is held in the pattern buffer to compensate for the Doppler shift resultant in beaming from one dimension to another. Yeah, I'm not sure what I just said either.