OOC | The Scotty/Liz Canon

May 24, 2010 06:06

It's a well-known fact that there are universes upon universes. The multiverse, some call it. It's a complex thing, forever shifting, forever changing. But some things are meant to be, and some things cannot be changed. The crew of the USS Enterprise is one of those things.

In one universe, James T. Kirk knew his father and joined Starfleet because of him. In another, a Romulan known as Nero was responsible for the death of George Kirk. But some things are meant to be, and James T. Kirk is meant to be captain of the Enterprise. The universe, though changed, shapes itself around people and events to make sure everyone is in the proper place at the proper time. Although the story changes, the people in the story are the same. They end up in the same place. The universe rights itself, healing the rifts caused in the fabric of space-time. Some things are meant to be.

In one universe, a woman by the name of Elizabeth Dehner died on Delta Vega. And in another... Nero was indirectly responsible for her survival...

Where No Man Has Gone Before
Season 1, Episode 4 - The Original Series

Originally shot as a pilot episode of Star Trek, this episode was aired as the fourth episode, which is a little weird and means that randomly everyone on the Enterprise decided to change their uniforms and Spock looks funny. But that's beside the point. This is the only episode of TOS that Elizabeth Dehner appears in, because, well.... She dies. But that's also not the point. The point is, Scotty/Liz is canon. Canon. And I have proof.

Exhibit A

Dr. Piper introduces Dr. Dehner to Kirk. It's subtle, but as Piper says her name, Scotty turns to smile at her. Of course, it's possible that he's just being friendly; this is Scotty after all. But if I may direct your attention to...

Exhibit B1 B2 and B3

Look behind Kirk, just over his shoulder. Yup, that's Scotty holding Liz's hand. The Enterprise is headed toward this weird energy barrier thing and Scotty takes Liz's hand. And holds it. And keeps holding it, until...

Exhibit C

The energy barrier does something to Liz and she falls. She doesn't even manage to fall two inches before Scotty's there to catch her.

Exhibit D

He stays to make sure she's okay, before he gets called away to take care of some engineering business at the engineering station on the bridge.

Now, not much happens after that, until Scotty is in charge of transporting everyone down to Delta Vega...

Exhibit E1 and E2

As Lexie put it, his expression seems to suggest that he's trying to his damnedest to be impartial but really he's just worried about Liz.

Of course, she doesn't come back, so he's got good reason to be worried. But where does that leave us? In this universe, Elizabeth Dehner died and Montgomery Scott went on to become, well, the Montgomery Scott, one of the best engineers in all of Starfleet, practically married to his ship, and unable to get himself any kind of lasting relationship. There's Carolyn in Who Mourns for Adonais? who just isn't really that into him. Then there's that whole Wolf in the Fold mess. And of course, there's Mira in The Lights of Zetar, and it seems like Scotty and Mira are pretty happy, but she's only supposed to be on the Enterprise until they reach Memory Alpha, and of course, the relationship is never followed up in later episodes.

But in a different universe...

Nero changed everything.

Montgomery Scott ended up on Delta Vega after a mishap with a transporter and an admiral's prized beagle. Think about that for a minute. Scotty ended up on the planet/moon/thing that Elizabeth died on in the original universe, six months before the Enterprise even made her maiden voyage.

Spock marooned Kirk on Delta Vega - and, I feel inclined to point out, Spock Prime suggested to Kirk that he maroon Gary Mitchell on Delta Vega, so there's some incredible poetic something there that both Kirk and Spock Prime ended up there in the alternate universe.

But this about Scotty and Liz. After the events of Star Trek XI, an RP known as to_boldlygo was created. And this is where it gets crazy. Keep in mind, neither Lexie or I had ever seen Where No man Has Gone Before before we began playing in this RP. In fact, it's only recently that we watched it at all.

We joined the RP within a day of each other. Elizabeth Dehner's first journal post was on October 22nd. Montgomery Scott's first journal post was on October 23rd. Liz was the first person to comment on Scotty's journal. And it gets better.

A simple environmental control repair somehow managed to turn into an incredible relationship between Scotty and Liz. We used to joke that it was like the two of them were meant for each other. Little did we know just how true that was. They lost their chance in the original universe, but by some incredible odds, managed to find each other again in this RP.

In the beginning, their relationship was like what it was in WNHGB. They kept it subtle, and kept it to themselves. Now, they're at a point where there's no one for Scotty except Liz, and no one for Liz except Scotty.

The universe put Scotty on Delta Vega so Liz wouldn't have to die there, so they'd have their chance.

And that is why Scotty and Liz are The Only Couple. And we didn't even know it until now. Is your mind blown yet?

ooc, it will blow your mind

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