Feb 03, 2010 20:10

Yesterday marked the first curse I've noticed since, aparently, returning to this place.  I've never seeing anything like it before. Spacial distortion, or something like it, I suppose. Either way, I'm glad I remained unaffected.  If this place can spontaneously change it's direction, matter composition, and form at a moments notice, I should be on my guard way more than I have been.  No one mentioned anything like that even being possible let alone likely to occur with any probability.  My first order of business is to figure out whether or not I can pay this bill that came through the slot.

I've received, in my mail slot, a bill. Apparently rent is due soon, and the...deities I believe it was, don't accept credits, seeing as my payment was "declined due to non-existence of funds in this dimension."  It puts into sharp relief the fact that I need a job. Quickly.

My only hope is someone is hiring.  Below are a list of my skills and previous occupation, which may be used as reference for any potential employers.

- 14 years service, Alliance Military
- Military specialization: Field Medic, Decryption, Encoding, Co-Pilot, Biotics

If you have any questions regarding the list above, feel free to ask.

this place freaks me out, commander alenko needs a job, ....what? it could be useful, this place sort of sucks

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