Jan 26, 2009 22:22
so i realized this weekend something pretty interesting, well found out more than realized, but anyway... i bought this book called "The Five Love Languages" and it talks about how there are 5 different ways to show love and different people need to be shown love in certain ways... my top two (a tie) were words of affirmation and physical touch... sooo thats why i always fall for the smooth talkers and big flirts! my problems with my love life all summed up right there... and in a sense unavoidable, joy...
i am not even going to talk about the guy situation because i went on a date last sunday (as in not yesterday) that i had forgotten i had til an hour before hand... it was a guy i met at one of my completions schools... but he lives in dallas, i had a crush on him when we were in the school together, but that was mid October... we have emailed back and forth since, but since last Sunday we have talked on the phone a few times and we BBM (blackberry messanger) all the time... i dunno what i think there.. he is a good guy, it seems at least.. but i still have the MONDO HUGE crush on my wonderful co-worker!!!! i dont know if its just the i want what i cant have or what... but its killing me.... and the constant flirting and compliments (see above) really dont help!!! ahhh... my crazy love life... i just need my dog back... once i get Belle moved to Houston I wont have to worry about all these men!!
its going to be a rough week for me... tomorrow is the aniversary of my dad's death, and even though it was 16 years ago I still miss him so much it hurts... especially with all these changes lately that he is missing, me graduating, moving to houston, getting a new job, and house hunting... and it seems like every tv show i watch had some type of death in it last week... i balled my eyes out during greys and housewives and private practice... i mean i miss him all the time, but this week of the year is always the worst... and sometimes it seems like 16 years ago was just yesterday... i remember everything from that night so clearly... but cant remember something from a week ago half the time..
all that with the stress of switching to my reservoir rotation today and getting handed a project on day 1, i just hope i dont stress out tomorrow and freak out...