Jul 31, 2005 23:17
so im takin a school work break... been workin since about 630 non stop.... so i deserve it... have my engineering design final project due tom at 830... im about to go home and do some work on paper tonight then just do the rest tom before class.... im currently in ceba workin in a classroom cause all the computer labs are closed! i had a pretty uneventful day....
fam came up.. did lunch at picadilly... it was good then they took belle home cause its finals week... but before they left i was going to play with belle and she put her paw out and scratched my chin bad and made me have a fat lip on half my lip... its gross looking... then they left at like 215.... brad had called twice while we were eating so i called him back and he wanted to go to a movie... so then he came over and chilled for a while at my apt and we went to see Wedding Crashers at 3pm... it was good... and i got off cheap cause he paid for the movies and i bought the popcorn... i had to tinkle like 30 min into the movie but i tried to hold it... i lasted a good hour and a half and thought id make it but eventually had to go cause i was about to burst... the movie was longer than i thought it would be... but yea... so then i went back to my casa and heated up some leftovers from lunch ate that then christy brought me up here to campus where i have been ever since working on physics homework and this project....BLAH! i cant wait for thurs night... 7PM im FREE!!! it wont come soon enough!
and its bad cause im like to the point where i dont care anymore i just wanna get done!!