Jun 13, 2005 22:17
Hey guys!! I'm back!! woOOT I have like over 600+ pictures too!! I will post a few here in a bit.
But the trip was awsome!! I absolutly loves Phantom of the Opera though!!! It was perFECT!! I also saw Kristen Allen (Alley??) From Sex in the City at the Late Night with David Letterman! That was neat. I also saw th Naked Cowboy!! I had so much fun!
Susie also gave me band tips.
1. You will get hit on . . a lot
2. Most likely WILL date a band member by the end of the semester (Which has its perks, I would see them all the time plus they are most likely good kissers ;-) and if we were to break up, pretty much all band couples end well after a few weeks)
3. Suck up
4. Don't say to much
5. If someone 'teases' you tease back (exp. drumline)
Those were them!! I'm so excited though. And its great cause at the trip I was able to become friend with Grant again cause i hardly ever saw him and being friends with someone on drum line with the position band im in is good!! Drumline and Guard are always together etc etc so hopeful Grant won't be to mean
Well im gunna go and get those pics up