Running Away

Nov 11, 2005 09:00

Just returned from the West. Decided this town wasn't big enough for me, so I consecutively visited two smaller ones. Lake Charles and Lafayette, great times, good people, bad movies. The makings of a mighty fine 24 hour hiatus. Just good to get away to the wilderness.

Session goes on, one week through it. Nice to grow closer to a time when my life will revert back to busy instead of overwhelmingly busy.

I'll be watching the Bama Game from work. Tiger Football in suit and tie, chancellor apparel, not student. All these things shall come to pass in time.

Pink luggage, pink poka dot purchase is mildly demeaning. Good thing it was for my nieces, supporting princesses can sometimes undermine masculinity.

GOF in seven days, thats right week till Fluer Delacour. The French contribute properly to the world in their own way.

Enough for now, spanish quiz...bygones
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