You Know, You are my very very good friend. We were like sisters, and then we became distant, and we were on our way back. Now, though, it's like we are distancing again. This time it's more of a forced thing.
I will always be here for you to talk to, to listen, to get away to, but I'm tired. I've told you this time and time again, but I'm just tired.
You tell me your uphappy, you tell me you want out, you want to get away. You tell me "I'll ditch her", you tell me how much pain you are constantly in because of her. And I'm there to talk to you. To show you both sides. I've been doing my best to be the farthest away from bias as I can. But I'm sick of hearing all this. Because your relationship in my eyes is hell.
And then you turn around and are saying how it's the best relationship, and you love her, and that she perfect, and that you would never leave her, or hurt her.
I'm very sorry, but I can't keep repeating myself, and I feel as though I'm being decieved just because you want to complain about something. You're relationship, when I stand back an plug my ears, looks fine. But when I get really close and look at the details, well... it's like hanging by a very very thin, fragile thread.
This is your decision and I feel that the more we discuss it I'm going to become bias and just make you end it. And that's not my decision to make.
So I'm going to back off. I'm going to let you be a good girlfriend. Maybe you shouldn't be talking to me, because I wouldn't be pointing out everything that you are too blind to see. And if I wasn't there to point everything out then you would be more happy.
So this is it.
If you want to vent. You can vent on here and I'll of course read and post comments, but other than that... Maybe we shouldn't talk anymore.
You need to work out your problems, because you have plenty to keep you busy.
I love you very much sweetie, and you know that. Just don't let yourself forget.