May 22, 2004 13:29
last night didn't turn out so bad after all! :D
went to nan's for a while. mom dad and them showed up later...then, got a hold of josh and he was gonna come back to my house (oh BABY! no--j/k) and hang out. so, we sat at my house for a bit...went out back and jumped on the tramp. then, came in and watched tv.
ryan called--went and picked him up. then, went to walmart. haha--we're nerds! ;) was seriously so much fun. we got in trouble for playing catch with the big bouncy balls too. psh them...but yeah--quite amusing.
went to 5 and diner. we were gonna go in, was closed blah :( so, just sat in the parking lot. then...later we dropped off ryan, got my car i and went home myself.
jill still hadn't called me back (hair lady). so, my dad decided that at like 11:00 (still sleeping by the way) he was gonna go in and ask me if i wanted nan to do it. i said sure. they picked me up...we ate at this new mexican food place. real good...a lot of food :\ i'm full.
back at their house. nan called this one place in the mall. guess they've got an opening at 3. so, they're gonna do it instead of her. cuz, she didn't know exactally how to do it the way i wanted it done and all. SO...i'm here til then. and, then...:D i'll have my hair done! oh--so excited!!!
but yeah...tonight. dunno what's exactally going on. was gonna hang out with garret. but, i haven't talked to, i dunno what's going on. i might be hanging out with josh, amber, and ryan hehe--i love those guys. ryan's so random, and comes up with the most hilarious things that normally i would never do. but, they're so much fun! :D i'm going now...gonna call amber and see what's going on over there. have a good weekend everyone!