Jul 09, 2005 16:13
nice soo im home from being away for weeks...
lets see ocean city was hot times...with random black dudes comming up to us being like hey can i talk to you for a second and then he was like where are you guys from and we told them and they laughed and walked away. what the hell. but it was hilarious. and chillen at our ledge. talkin to dan knobbles. and tellin boys they were bangin. chilling on the beach. obviously hotttt.
then maine was prettyyyyyy kick ass. went to the ocean with ellen, eric, and john on monday except ellen wouldnt go in the 2nd time and eric randomly left so it was me and john boarding which was cool except the waves weren't breaking good enough..would have skimmed but we didnt have any boards...hah im so intense at skim boarding...so we went on the death march which was hot shit and went to the oar weed and ate the sickest clam chowder ever..then walked back and me and elle beat everyone home...we walked 5 miles the whole way. i got all sunburned and i got horrible chafing from my shorts on my legs which SUCKED ass but deathmarch was so fun that i dont even care. then we came back, had dinner, and watched boogyman which was a horrible movie. then we played truth or dare with eric and john which was really funny lol told them funny 7th grade stories and john was wicked curious lol that kids cool as hell man..so tuesday eric and john left and me and ellen chilled cause the weather sucked..same kinda for thursday, still rainy but we went in the ocean anyway with sadie and it was cold as BALLS. then friday was rainy and shitty but we left that day so it was straight. and that was maine.
so i'm home for the week, then going to soccer camp with kelly next week so if you wanna chill, please call. you know them digits.
<3 gibs