Well...I just thought I'd update..I'm at the funeral home, downstairs in the office...I'm alright...I bought this really small Dark Grey hoodie today at Wal-Mart...I wanted a new one so I bought one...I want to hang out with Ashley tomorrow...but I probably won't...Maybe...There really isn't alot to say right now...I found out today that your not
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B... that has to be the funniest entry ever... i mean i laughed for like 5 min... although... i do have to say... i agree about the whole eminem being more popular thing... i do not think it is right to stare at retardes... not like they wouldent stare/ grab/ feel/ drool on something they shouldent be doing so too... but i guesss you shouldent generalize... there are some retarded people who who can acxtually take care of themselves... they make money, own a house, even have families... ever seen i am sam,they caan still have feelings, they can still love... not trying to put a downer on a VERY funny entry... just trying to say retards caant help the fact that theey are retarted. but i do agree that VH1 shouldent have to bleep that shit out... it must have been saaid at one point in time to be on there anyways which means most have proally heard it before or seen it before... which means if they were to protest thet are doing it to something that is really old and already protested upon!
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