Posting elsewhere

May 25, 2011 12:11

Hello there. It occurs to me that I have not posted here in a very long time. I've taken up blogging, at Finishing the Hat.

For those of you who are a part of the Fat Acceptance community, please know that I still support FA and all its aims.  But please also know that my health took a turn for the worse over the past few years, and because of that and the loss of my mother to complications from obesity, I have been losing weight.  I have been doing this as healthfully as I can, based in self-love and not self-destruction.

With that in mind, you may not want to follow my blog if weight loss discussion triggers you.  It is, however, more than a weight loss blog; I cover my creativity and fat fashion as well.  And FA/HAES still informs the way I think.

I hope you are all well -
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