Apr 28, 2009 23:30
I haven't really had time to participate in Not-Enough-Tip-Gate-09 or March of the Death Fats or pretty much anything else. Two reasons.
1) My mother fell and is in the hospital. For those of you who may not know, she has been battling an auto-immune disease for 12 years, basically bed-ridden for the last five (excepting bathroom trips) and nursed by my father since his retirement six years ago. They've been stubbornly pushing off the idea of a nursing home, but in the last few weeks she's started to lose control of her faculties and has been afraid of falling when that happens at the wrong time.
And that came to fruition two nights ago. Her hand is ostensibly broken, though they think it was a fragment that splintered off her bone (as it is not a detected fracture.) They've told her she won't be able to return home. Not ever. Fortunately she was distracted when she was being taken out into the ambulance; the intricate handicapped ramp my father built for her was too tight a turn for the gurney so he came to the rescue with his power saw, chopping the guard rails away. She was cracking jokes to make the EMTs laugh while this was happening, and she forgot to be emotional about leaving home. And I think that's a bit of luck. She knew beforehand that she probably wouldn't be able to return.
She is suffering panic attacks when she considers the big picture but we're trying to keep her focused on step by step progress. And there have been some horrible nurses - whose crude comments and unhelpful physical herks and jerks are - how you say - douchetastic? But there have been helpful nurses too, who have found proper equipment and treated her warmly and with respect. True to form, she's still trying to make everyone laugh, even as she suffers.
2) I inherited most of my coworker's projects. Today was her last day. Wow, the universe is a douchebag sometimes; its sense of ironic timing is tiresome. Somehow despite the family trauma I've been doing fine at work - it's fast-paced with 2x the projects, but I've been exceedingly focused which keeps my mind of her when there's nothing I could do otherwise. Fortunately the bosses have granted me permission to travel and work remotely. If my doctor will permit airplane travel in a first-class seat (despite the recent clot; my blood is sufficiently thin right now) I will be going to Michigan after my sister's shift and my brother's visit - probably a week from Friday.
On a side note, I'm sad. I've been busy and then too overwhelmed in the last week. I'll only have finished 3 of my 4 short screenplays in a month. But at least I did something.