Apr 04, 2007 20:18
As the subject title named, this is an update to the O.W.L project.
If you can't recall or want a reminder of what O.W.L is all about, see Chapter 16 or click the o.w.l tag.
I think it's in my nature (which is my laziness btw,) and believe that if something is going to happen, it'll happen and there's no point rushing for it. This is so the case with O.W.L
So my goal was to get in contact with this Senpai from Canada. Last term, I puzzled about how I was going to complete that until we were ordering our books for this term. I wasn't exactly sure who his prof is but believing what I heard from this other female senpai, I believe it would be Prof. Xia. And I simply thought that by getting to know his prof, I'll eventually know him too.
So back to ordering books; when ordering books, the form listed down the teachers for each course as well. Turns out Dr. Xia will be teaching us clinic diagnosis. I was very relieved since I don't even need to bother looking for the prof; I'll eventually meet him anyway.
But the start of this term, it was another prof teaching and Dr. Xia would teach when May comes around.
As I have mentioned, with my sprain, I got to know the girls a lot better and through the newly established relationships, I told them my situation about wanting to look for that Canadian Senpai. Since they knew more senpais, I figure they can locate a person better than I can.
During my surgical lab, couple of the girls asked one senpai who turned out to know him (but not so well). Well, at least I know that person really do exist, his name is David and really is Dr. Xia's student. But still have no way of contacting him.... hmmmm...
Still, whatever is yours, is yours!
Last week was the first week of my clinical diagnosis lab and the prof that teach the lab mentioned quite a bit regarding Canada and U.S vet schools. Funny how she would look at one of the TA for a further confirmation as well. A little while later, the prof asked "I heard there's a foreigner student here?" and I was pointed out and told her I was from Canada. I really suspect that TA was the canadian senpai but can't be too sure.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and then a week later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yesterday, after my surgical lab, I accompany one of the girls to look at cute dogs. The Senpai was outside walking 'em. We said hi, and he stopped me, asking "I heard you're from Canada?"
ME: "ah. Yea. Are you that Canadian Senpai?"
He: "Yea, I'm from canada as well"
Me: "ah! finally found you!"
we talked a bit (all in english of course) and found out he's from Toronto, got a undergrad degree in Zoology in Guelph. Apparently I really can just apply for Masters here. ha ha ha. I would have only need to study for 3 years then!!!! ha ha ha. But right now is cool too. I'm learning my chinese and getting the basics.
He's in first year master so I'll also see more of him in the future too! How nice.
Today, since I was having clinic lab, I saw him again and we talked more in english. We got his classmate and my classmate standing by us listening to us chatting away in English. And when pausing for a bit, I'd look at my classmate, he'd look at his...... and our classmates would be O________O wow.
one of my classmates asked him "last week, how come you didn't make yourself noticed?"
he: " ..... wwwweeeellllll....."
his classmate: "oh... but he's very excited when he heard about it.... all excited in the back..."
LOL. funny.
It's quite interesting really. ha ha ha. Found the senpai through the best possbile way: the i'm-not-desperate-to-look-for-him-and-met -him-still-naturally-tactic. ha ha ha.
..... yup. I pretty much will see more of him every week for my clinic diagnosis lab. ha ha ha.
.... and to whom this might concern: he's not your cute anime character but his is kinda cartoonish. but no, he's not your amazing manga vet character.....
Used exactly FOUR months (Dec. 4 - Apr. 4) to meet this Canadian Senpai.