Aug 18, 2004 00:44
Doing these interviews for my sisters gallery, I had some intresting recordings. The best or one I have a comment about was how these born again christan gangsters came by whilst we drum circled the park.
"yeah we wanted to invite you guys to our church."
cool but do mind we're doing something now.
so i take it upon the occation to acquire some interviews.
Every thing they said..was because "I found jesus as my savior"
one time i caught (there were two of them talking) and others did too.
The "Yah I used to do what you guys do now, smoking and hanging out in the park" Smooth..
Neways the suckage was how it seemed they couldnt believe anything they did had any value without the 'holy name attachment'.
Believe in yourself is what i wanted to yell at them.
oh well, I dono.
So to conclude this random happening, I'll expound a joke i heard.
I was walking into the mall with my friend. She had a very intricate
cross over her dark burgandy shirt that night. This guy runs up to us, big smile from ear to ear.
"uhm hello" i said, "hey" Jasmin said.
"My name is Brandon and I had to come over and say how beautiful your cross is."
"oh thx" replied Jasmin
"So which church do you attend?" he asked.
"oh! I don't goto church." said Jasmin
"Really?" Brandon exclaimed.
"No sorry. This " Jasmin pointing to her cross.
"Is just a reminder that We killed your God."
At which point Brandons smile was shattered and tears were
forming at his eyes.
Brandon didnt have much left, turned about and quickly walked away.
no hard feelings intended, and its better told outloud.