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Полгода назад состоялось беспрецедентное нападение на погранзаставу в Луганскеhttps://www.facebook.com/dihtjarenko/posts/10202162435782130"Андрей Дихтяренко
23 мин. · Киев · отредактировано ·
2 декабря для Луганска - особенная дата. Ровно полгода назад, утром 2 июня, в город пришла война. И началась она с нападения сепаров на погранотряд на квартале Мирном. Вооруженные гранатометами и стрелковым оружием колорады прятались в жилых домах - буквально, за спинами мирных луганчан, - и расстреливали пограничников, которые дрались отчаянно. Но подмога так и не пришла.
Сейчас откройте любой луганский колорадский паблик - все пишут о самолете над облгосадминистрацией. Но ни одна тварь не вспоминает расстрелянных пограничников! Я не говорю уже про сотни луганчан, которые просидели весь день в своих квартирах под обстрелами. На следующее утро, кстати, началась первая волна эмиграции - люди паковали вещи и переезжали с "немирного Мирного" к родственникам.
Так вот, запомните все: началось все на Мирном, войну в Луганске начали колорады. А потом уже был самолет - и далее со всеми остановками.
"Пограничники успешно отбили начальный штурм. К слову, с самого начала атаки на погранотряде звучал гимн Украины. Но нападавшие передислоцировались и стали ждать подкрепления: уже к семи утра к погранотряду стянули около 400 бойцов, вооруженных минометами и крупнокалиберными станковыми пулеметами. С крыш прилегающих жилых многоэтажек по пограничникам стреляли снайперы.
...Российский телеканал «LifeNews» попытался представить атаку на погранотряд «наступательной операцией Национальной гвардии».
...В Сети в это время один за другим появились видеоролики, на которых отчетливо видно, как вооруженные люди с «георгиевскими ленточками» прячутся во дворах жилых домов, подъездах и ведут оттуда огонь. Также были сообщения, что атакующие заходят в квартиры жителей и используют окна и балконы в качестве огневых точек...""
Хорошая подборка фотографий того инцидента:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2646252/Ukraine-forces-fight-500-pro-Russian-gunmen-attack-border-camp-HQ-children-s-hospital-comes-attack-Sloviansk.html"Not so quiet on the Eastern front: Incredible close-up pictures capture the running gun battles as Ukraine crisis develops into full-scale war through town and country"
Статья в НЙТаймс:
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/03/world/europe/ukraine.html?_r=0"Separatists Attack a Border Guard Headquarters in Eastern Ukraine
DONETSK, Ukraine - Several hundred separatist fighters mounted a coordinated assault against a border guard headquarters in the eastern city of Luhansk on Monday, holding it under siege for more than 12 hours in what appeared to be an attempt to eliminate the strategic control center for the region’s long and porous border with Russia.
The attack was the largest against the country’s border guards since unrest
in Ukraine’s troubled east began this year, and it raised questions about the strength of the government’s forces in the east, where many members of the police and other state security agencies have either melted away or joined the separatists. Border guards are among the few forces left in eastern Ukraine still loyal to Kiev, but their function is to check for smuggled goods, not to fight paramilitary forces.
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It also laid bare the deep weaknesses in Ukraine’s military abilities. The border guards, though outnumbered, fought off their attackers for hours, but received virtually no backup from the military, even after what a border guard spokesman said had been repeated requests for help.
Separatist fighters carried away the body of another fighter who was killed in the attack on Monday. Credit Alex Inoy/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images
“We’re doing the best we can,” said Oleg Slobodyan, the spokesman, “but our mission was never intended to be one that repelled large armed attacks.”
Still, he added, “We will fight to the last of our capabilities.”
The attack underscored the boldness and strength of the separatist fighters, who took positions on rooftops, in windows and in entrances of apartment buildings in the neighborhood of Mirny, in southwestern Luhansk. They used rocket launchers, machine guns and large-caliber weapons to pummel the complex, which includes residential barracks as well as the command center for the eastern border of Luhansk with Russia. Fighting continued into the night on Monday with some lulls, security officials and residents said.
Fighter jets flew over the area, but residents said they never fired, possibly out of concern for civilian casualties in the densely populated area. A spokesman for the Ukrainian military said he could not give details on whether ground forces or any other reinforcements were on the way, and residents said they were concerned about the fate of the men inside the complex.
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200 miles
Black Sea
“We residents are very disappointed,” said Oleg Chankotadze, a journalist for a Luhansk newspaper who lives in Mirny. “Kiev has told those guys to fight to the end, but Kiev is not giving them backup.”
Luhansk is the easternmost region in Ukraine, and its sprawling border with Russia presents one of the most serious problems for Ukraine’s new government as it tries to navigate relations with Moscow. The president-elect, Petro O. Poroshenko, has pledged to subdue the insurgency, but that may prove difficult in the lawless areas of southeastern Luhansk, where separatists control large stretches of territory and goods, and fighters slip across the border from Russia with relative ease.
It was not entirely clear why the rebels mounted such an all-out assault on a control center for a border that they are already so skillful at crossing. Mr. Slobodyan said he believed the rebels wanted to “disrupt the communication and cooperation for many smaller border stations in the region,” essentially unplugging any central government control. Mr. Chankotadze said that the border guards had been given an ultimatum by the separatists to vacate the complex, but that they had refused.
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“They think they are an independent state and that a large military installment on their territory is illegal and must be destroyed,” he said by telephone from Luhansk, speaking of the separatists.
A separatist fighter during the attack on Monday in Lugansk. Credit Sergey Gapon/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images
A Ukrainian military spokesman, Vladislav Seleznyov, said the military was “making every effort to save” the border guards, but he refused to be more specific. He declined to say whether any ground forces had been deployed, or whether warplanes had fired on the attackers. He said two rebel checkpoints were destroyed from the air, but he did not say where.
“Operations have to be carefully planned and supplied,” he said. “You can’t just send guys out to the barricades without planning.”
Residents were awakened just before sunrise by the sound of intense gunfire. Karina Bondareva, who lives three buildings from the complex, said by telephone that she could see fighters firing from the windows and roofs of nearby buildings. She said that she saw clusters of 10 to 15 men in camouflage, some with St. George’s ribbons tied to them, a telltale sign of pro-Russian militia, and that she tried to talk with some.
“I said, ‘How can you shoot at these guys who are just 20 years old, like your own sons?’ ” she recalled saying. “They believed the men in the base were Pravy Sektor,” she said, referring to Right Sector, the ultranationalist Ukrainian group despised by the pro-Russian militia here.
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Ukraine Crisis in Maps
Mirny, a large residential area built after the fall of the Soviet Union, had been free of pro-Russian rebels, she said, until large numbers arrived on Sunday. By afternoon, people in the buildings close to the fighting were fleeing. Ms. Bondareva said she spoke to a woman carrying a bag that held a cat that had apparently caught a stray bullet and was dying.
By midday, the spokesman for the border guards, Mr. Slobodyan, said that five rebels had been killed and that seven border guards had been wounded, but there was no independent confirmation of that count. He said that the fighting had continued into the evening, with a short break around 1 p.m. to allow both sides to gather their dead.
Meanwhile, in the center of Luhansk, a large explosion blew a hole in an upper floor of the regional administration building that separatists had seized this spring. Opinions were divided on the source of the damage, with separatists arguing that the Ukrainian military had bombed the building and the military spokesman saying that an antiaircraft missile fired by the rebels had gone awry. About five people were killed, Ms. Bondareva said.
In further evidence of the power of the militant groups here, armed men in Donetsk walked into the offices of Donbass, a regional newspaper, and drove away with the senior editor. They later released him, but kept his phone and his computer, and in the late afternoon he announced that the paper would cease publication, at least for now. Reporters there attributed the rebel attention to the paper’s editorial line, which was relatively neutral.
“They wanted to scare people,” said Alexander Bespyorstov, a reporter, finishing what appeared to be his last piece at a friend’s apartment in the late afternoon. “We wrote about what was really happening, and I think they didn’t like it.”"