To those of you who don't know, Sally is the name of my 3 ton beast of a car. She has served me well these past 3 years and I have great memories of her from skipping afternoons at school to driving round the countryside, from speedtesting on the A64 to carrying loved ones, friends and partners.
She and I have been through a lot and it will be sad to see her go but I know I must move on to new things. Still. even when dropping fuel or faulting brake sensors she still started first time, come rain, wind, snow and ice she was there and she protected me. I can imagine some people think i'm a little batty...but if you had a car like this you'd understand.
I'm not going to say what car i'm going to Bradford to look at tomorrow, some of you will like it, others won't.
People say they can't picture without her and I finally realise now what they meant when the time is so close for her to go.
It's only a car. But it was MY car.