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Jan 27, 2013 14:27

Noel & I came up with a hilarious idea @ Skyfall yesterday.

Just bought the domain name for it. Now to do nothing with it, because Noel & I rarely follow through. But maybe we will.

Ian has a Kickstarter idea for his book which is brilliant. And we came up with a special shirt/tote/poster/sticker design for an Aardvark-centric one. But we still need a "skimmable" resource to make that work.

BUT starting this upcoming weekend, I won't need such a thing. Because Nashville Anime Day is going to be STUPIDBUSY and I'll be able to pay my rent, late car payment, phone bill AND gas/hotel to Milwaukee. AND be able to get Al the greatest birthday gift of all time. (Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff have a book.)

Matt just broke up with his theoretical girlfriend yesterday. (I suspect she did the dumping.)  He's terribly broken up about it, but I'm doing no more than being a friend/potential employer. I feel just awful for him, bc he confided in me around Christmas that he thought he was really in love with her...and well, been there, done that, yo.

Angel is trying. He's all, "You've been really distant and I'm worried about you, is everything OK?" what I want from *someone* - to care as much as I do... But coming from him, it only pisses me off, and I don't know why. Like today, for my Dorian call, Angel kept me on for another 15 minutes with stuff like, "Are you off your meds again?" (Yes, you know they were shipped to my apartment and I've been out for weeks.) and "For the past couple of weeks, you were acting like you wanted to try to work things out and now you're distant." (When did I give any indication of wanting to work things out?) "You're kinda like you were when you were with your ex-girl, so I was getting worried," (This I can agree with, as far as headspace.) "If you DO want to file, we only have a couple of weeks to do so, because it takes 90 days to go through, and I want a clean slate if I move in May." (OK? So, file.) "But then you said you didn't want me to file at all, so should we work things out?" (No, I told you you'd better not file any time soon because you were still hanging around with that little whore and having her over to your place with my son there.) And like that...

And mom, bless her, keeps inviting me back to their church, and just no. I posted an extremely filtered rant on FB - nothing she & I haven't discussed at length - just nothing that will be resolved. I'm glad she enjoys her church. I don't enjoy the hypocritical "we're so glad to see you" hugs from people who have never bothered to check in on me personally, and have judged me on everything from being overly outspoken in class, to divorce, to tattoos, to getting remarried to being separated. And God knows what else. And I'm not the only one who receives this treatment. Sara & Krysten, too.

BAH. I'm taking a nap.

via ljapp

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