Good Riddance/Time of Your Life

Dec 31, 2012 23:51

2012 won't be missed.

There were good things that happened, such as getting back on the convention circuit, and getting Dorian on a mostly-full-time basis. But it stands out in my mind as a year of terrible loss. As Noel so eloquently put: There is no life lesson worth great heartache, if it can be avoided. As much as was gained back this year, that sole loss wasn't worth the blood, sweat and tears that went into trying to defend and save it.

Still not sure I'm ready to call a truce with God, but Noel & I had a long talk about forgiveness and relationships and abusive situations the other day, and I even prayed a little bit. Some days I feel OK being a loner now. Maybe I'm over everything enough now. Maybe it's just that Angel is there on the sidelines...if.

Either way, 2013 is going to be better. No mystical, magical event or "us versus them" is going to make it happen for anyone. It'll be those who help the less fortunate. Those who forgive. Those who love and accept the love they're given even if it's flawed. Those who are grateful not just in spite of trouble, but for the trouble itself, knowing better things await.

I want to do better in 2013 - be more focused on those with *real* problems. I bitched and moaned over a girl this year. It hurt like hell in the middle of everything, but in the grand scheme, that's all it amounts to. There are hungry and sick and poor and hurting and lonely and dying and lost. And in some way, I want to help.

And keep off the weight I lost this year. ;)
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