Last night I celebrated the wedding of Zeus and Hera using a ritual from one of the Hellenion Proto-Demos websites, modified a little as I was alone and inside. (Ritual found here: ) I prepared "Greek-style" ribeye steaks, mashed potatoes, and broccoli with cheese for the family dinner and made up a plate to offer during the ritual. I still haven't received an unemployment check, so I wasn't able to go as all out as I had wanted to but I think the ritual went well. Afterwards I sat on the floor in front of the altar and practiced a basic meditation (counting the breaths) and actually was able to go in deeper than I have to date.
Lately I've been trying something different and instead of doing the full mini-ritual devotions that I've been doing, I've just been going around the household shrines (Hestia, Agathos Daimon, Hecate, & Hermes) and just making libations and saying something in thanks to them. Sometimes I go to the main altar and make offerings to the ancestors, nature spirits, and the rest of the Shining Ones or do the full ritual as well. But it seems like a good time to focus on Gods of the household and to practice talking with the Kindred without a script.