Thu, 12:28: RT @ anylaurie16: Nebraska GOP now trying to prevent a Dem state senator from voting on a bill because she has a trans child. “Conflict of i…
Thu, 12:35: RT @ TheRickyDavila: Bigoted Montana Republicans banned Rep. Zooey Zephyr from state House Chamber for a year for speaking truth to power ab…
Thu, 12:41: RT @ Kasparov63: Anyone still surprised, or acting surprised, by the openly genocidal and imperialist acts and statements of Putin's regime…
Thu, 12:41: RT @ RBReich: Nothing says the Supreme Court needs a code of ethics like a justice accepting free luxury travel from a GOP billionaire megad…
Thu, 16:03: RT @ Brasilmagic: New Zealand, Australia, Uruguay, United Kingdom, France, and Canada have all issued travel warnings for the United States.…
Thu, 16:55: RT @ smalls2672: 42 woman including 10 minors are suing the west Virginia state police for hidden cameras in the women's locker room that at…
Thu, 18:34: RT @ GeorgeR40252969: @ RepStefanik If you think that you’re not going to get vacuumed up in one of the election interference probes, you wou…
Thu, 18:35: RT @ TalesfromtheAFL: I just learned that due to a restructuring of the marketing department, I am no longer employed by PSA. Hoping to conn…
Thu, 19:21: RT @ ShannonFreshour: It must be nice to live in a state that doesn't hate its residents..
Thu, 19:24: RT @ BettyBowers: "i'M aNti-TrAnS tO pRoTeCt ThE cHiLdRen NoT bECaUsE oF mY oWn BiGoTrY!!!!!!!!"
Thu, 19:25: RT @ MSNBC: Montana state Rep. Zooey Zephyr: "When the speaker asks me to apologize on behalf of decorum... what he is really asking me to d…
Fri, 09:38: RT @ DavidOAtkins: Almost every major error and meltdown in Dem/left politics, from post-left fash apologism to popularist left-punching cri…
Fri, 10:18: RT @ davenewworld_2: Multiple GOP officials in New York were arrested for conspiring to acquire and cast absentee ballots to influence a loc…
Fri, 10:20: RT @ RobertMaguire_: Davis pinned the blame for Kavanaugh's alleged conduct on another Yale classmate-who, it turns out, "was not attending…
Fri, 11:06: RT @ BettyBowers: So the Senate investigation that "cleared" Federalist Society darling Brett Kavanaugh was derailed by disinformation from…
Fri, 11:57: RT @ joshtpm: It’s worth reminding everyone over and over in the coming days what most establishment reporters will not or cannot. Kevin McC…