[doin' it rite]

Dec 02, 2009 16:35

How to Play in an AU 101
And just think. This is what we do out of love.

.o1 Characters should not follow canon religiously, but a little canon is alright as long as it is supported by your history.
.o2 Because of this, there is lots of room to be creative with your character's history. But don't go off the wall-crazy. They have their own characterization, after all.
.o3 Storyline is very important to the survival of the community. So logs are a must.
.o4 That being said, story lines and plots are mostly member driven, not mod driven. The mods will organize a comm-wide event on occasion, but if all you are doing is sitting around waiting for the mods to perpetuate the plot, then you'll likely end up getting kicked out due to inactivity. We are not here to hold your hand.
.o5 Further more, it is encouraged that members make logs and backlog events with the incentive of finishing them. Do not bother starting a log if you do not intend to finish them. Dropped logs/threads only subtracts from the fun adventures as well as our respect for you. [lol nah rly. wslu. But... srsly.]
.o6 In other words, you start something you finish. Sometimes it takes a long time to finish logs, so BE INVESTED.
.o7 Which comes to the next point of business. Communication is key. IE. VERY IMPORTANT. Do not be scared to ping other members about plot ideas. We are all friends here. Sure, some are more familiar with each other than others, but it did not start out that way. And don't you want to make new friends with all the awesome people who play here?
.o8 Furthermore, if you don't ping people, NOTHING. HAPPENS. No plot. No events. Nothing to post the required journals about. And then there goes the comm's activity. Sure, the city of Tokyo where the comm is based in is big. But we're a community. So assume that each character here has a connection to each other in one way or another. Or at least will in the near future. FIGURE OUT WHAT THAT IS and create a web of awesome hijinx with it. Otherwise you're just playing with the same people over and over again. And you might as well just have your own musebox if you're gonna do that.
1o. RPing is not to be done in character journal posts. They are to be treated as regular journal postings. Meaning that if you write an action out in a comment, everyone reading the post can see the action being written out and will just think your character's crazy and talking to himself.
11. There are two exceptions for this rule: 1. The phone posts where actions are allowed to be written out in brackets, asterisks, etc; and, very rarely, 2. To inform people when your character leaves the computer for any reason.
12. Character relations in canon do not have to be true in AU. But if you wish them to be, consult mun(s) first. This is a rule we all should know whether we've played canon or AU. If there is no mun for the character yet, then consider the possibility of any potential person applying for said character not wanting to go with your idea. We know you guys are awesome and have wonderful ideas, but not everyone is going to agree to adjust to fit in with your plans.
13. Character angst, drama, and all things that fall in between, are allowed and are indeed ENCOURAGED. We are playing out the character's lives in a modern and mostly real setting. And as we all know, normal lives are filled with angst, drama, and everything in between.
14. That being said, everything that happens in real life does not have to happen in the comm. For example, if there is an earthquake or some other natural disaster in Tokyo in real life, it does not mean that characters will have to react to it in game unless told otherwise by the mods. However, if there is a real life even you wish to happen in the comm, feel free to suggest it to the mods.
15. But also keep in mind, AU is alternate universe but is based on real life. So be realistic with everything your character does. This is a Naruto AU game. Do not, under any circumstances, talk about ninjas killing your family. We will laugh and mock. And then tell you to write "There are no ninjas in this AU" three thousand times on the chalkboard with a one inch piece of chalk.
16. Research isn't a must, but when it comes to roleplaying things in real life, it's always good to have your information backed up.
17. Even though it's an AU game, personality still matters. In fact, it is the most important aspect of your application, your character, and your role in the community. It's what makes the character and is the foundation of how you play them. If you don't have that, there is no point. You might as well join an OC community.
18. The mods don't take themselves very seriously,, but hey, respect is delicious. That being said we know what we're doing and love our members like they were our own. Really. They're like our big, retarded kids from a broken marriage that we pay child support for bi-monthly when the government extracts our drivers licenses. It's love. So, need a mod? Ping us. Do it hard.

We will help. Not because it's our job. But because we want to.

. . .

Alright. A little bit because it's our job. But.

. . .

And don't forget to leave a mark stating that you read this. You know. To earn our love.
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