OOC: Questions--

Mar 03, 2011 16:45


Who is your character's confidante? Who does he/she talk to when he/she's scared? Who does he/she tell when he/she's in trouble?
When Cassius is upset, they often try to spend time with Narciso, even if they don't always actively seek him out. And Nathan! But they rarely will say that they are scared, even if they often are. If Cassius was in trouble they would most likely go to the Commodore being their compatriot and all. Or Mr. Gylden seeign as how he is rather good in a crisis.

Who would bail him/her out if he/she were arrested?
No-one! Cassius would probably never get arrested unless they wanted to be, and if they did, they would use their connections (Connected the Constables: 135!), & give irrefutable explanations and evidence in their defence. If they had to pay bail, they would probably give money to Bar for it.

Is he/she married? Does your character have a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancée, "significant other," lover, or several of the above?
Right now Cassius is 'involved' with Narciso, and really only Narciso. They were being courted by a [still and] Once-Dashing Smuggler, and probably still would be if not for him having to go back Overzees & being with Narciso (knowing that the Smuggler can be very jealous and all). But with Narciso it is open-hearted, and love, and the first time they have been in something serious like that since being widowed. Yes, Cassius was also (and in many ways still is) married, but their spouse was suddenly and brutally murdered. It was not a marriage for money or society (really, what can an inquiry agent offer?), and was a happy marriage for around 6 years. I don't see them looking to be in any other relationships, and am surprised they are even in one now.

Is he/she protecting someone? A child, relative, friend? Why does he/she see himself as their protector?
Cassius is rather protective of their friends, and would do most anything for them. It is quite a task however as most seem to court danger or are foolhardy. They do not have many friends and the thought of something happening to them is rather painful, and they often don't seem to look after themselves. Has been called a "mother peahen" often by Nathan because of this.

Who does he/she live with? Does he/she still live with her family? What about housemates or roommates? Are these people his/her friends? Do they hate each other? Do they avoid each other?
Cassius lives with two Rattus Faber (The Chief and George) & a pet bat (Saunder), but could be said to live alone. On The Surface Cassius lives in their uncle's old house. They were living in it with their spouse & a male servant named Rupert, but after the death their uncle's housekeeper has moved back in.

Who was his/her first love? Did it work out? Why or why not? Do they still know each other?
A young costermonger named Michael when staying briefly in Gloucester, but it was only for a summer and ended when Cassius & their uncle returned to Frampton on Severn. They might have seen him again, but it is doubtful.

Who does he/she work with? Is he/she friends with his/her co-workers? Bitter rivals? Does he/she hate his/her lazy boss or have a crush on his/her handsome secretary?
Self-employed, but mostly freelance and what-not. They thoroughly enjoy most of their work, but some of it gets to them. They have a bit of a feud with the Implacable Detective, and have been known to get into shouting matches with her and insult.

Who is his/her worst enemy? Why?
Whoever killed their spouse. Scathewick. They also would rather like to take revenge on Carrywell too.

Who did he/she give birthday presents to last year? What did he/she give them?
Their family, Merriweather Fawkes, Bar, and would give gifts to more people if they would tell them their birthdays! They try to give things to people that are partly practical or something that they think they will really like, or have heard them mention wanting.

Is he/she a disappointment to anyone, or is someone proud of him/her for his accomplishments? Why?
They regret not finding any signs and thus being able to prevent their spouse's murder, and their in-laws (except their brother-in-law and his family) sort of blame them for it. But their spouse was very proud of their detecting and probably would be even more if they could see how it has grown. Though rather not proud of how Ruthless they have become among other things.


What sort of people does your character tend to make friends with? Other people his/her own age? Co-workers? Neighbours? People he/she went to college with?
Cassius often lumps people under the term "associates". They really only will call someone  a friend if they are told by that person that they are. However they have called people other titles when they are fond of them, but still wondering if they are friends. "Alluring Accomplice" for Narciso, and "Compatriot" for the Commodore. About the only people that they have called friends without being told they were, has been Theodore du Hart & Nathan Attford. They tend to make friends with people around their own age, but can really make friends with anyone. Actually it seems that most of their close associates are a bit younger. They mostly make friends with friends-of-friends.

Where does your character go/what does she/he do with his/her friends? Does he/she go out drinking with them? Who does he/she have coffee with?
Cassius will do just about anything and go just about anywhere with their friends, if given enough prodding. As Nathan's player once said "If Cassius won't go to the party, the party will have to come to Cassius" and I have added "And then Cassius will party.". Often they just hang-out and talk, over tea, food, or drinks. They rarely just go out to drink however, but will with Nathan, Narciso, and a few others. They like to split Black Wings 'Absinthe' and go prowling with Narciso on occasion. As for coffee, Cassius really prefers strong black tea, but they will drink tea or coffee with most anyone.

How deep are the friendships he/she tends to form? Does he/she prefer to have a lot of surface-level friendships or a few deep ones?
Many associates, but very few friends! And if they consider someone a friend they take it seriously and deep.

How close is he/she to his friends? How well do they know him/her? Do they know his/her hopes and fears? Will they notice if he/she disappears or comes home with bruises?
They are close, but always with mystery. None of their friends know their real name (although they are close to sharing it with 2 of them), and very few know what gender they even are. But they always answer questions if asked, although the answer might not be straight, it is always truthful. I think that people would notice if they disappeared, but they would be surprised that anyone would be worried over them.

Who is his best friend? Why? What secrets have they shared? What have they gone through together?
They had married their best-friend, and since their death they might say that their brother-in-law Robin is one of their best-friends on The Surface. But Nathan Attford is their best-friend, and they rarely have a guard up around him. And they have shared the most about themself with Narciso, and will probably continue to do so. The Commodore has seen them at the best and worse however.


Does he/she get along with his/her family? Why or why not?
They were raised by their uncle and his housekeeper Mila, and they get along splendidly with them! Not having had children of his own, their uncle Frederick raised them as a semi-heir, or atleast taught them things about his shipping business.

What does his/her family know about her/him? What secrets does he/she keep?
Until coming underground, Cassius' family knew most things about them. Now they keep most of what they are doing a secret and have only recently told them about making friends. I expect that Mila will knit a couple of sweaters for people...

What does he/she know about his/her family? What secrets have they kept?
Not many secrets, and they know most things about them. They didn't know their father much however, or their mother.

How big is his/her family?
Fairly large, although they don't know much about/haven't seen much of cousins and the like.

Is it a close family, or spread out and distant?
Spread-out, but sociable if contacted.

Who are his/her favourite and least favourite relatives? Why?
They are good friends with their brother-in-law, and their uncle might as well be their father. They don't really dislike any of their family, but have animosity from their spouse's parents and grandparents.

Fears and Dreams

What did your character want to be when he/she grew up? Did he/she realize that dream? If not, why not? Does he/she regret that he/she never made it, or regret that he/she did? Does he/she still have a chance to get there if he/she didn't?
Cassius expected to help with their uncle's business and didn't really have many plans for the future until they met their spouse. I should type-up that bit of backstory, but basically they caught that Cassius had a skill with being a detective and helped train them in it. And it is something that Cassius adores doing most of the time, not as much as a 'solo act', but the mysteries and solving things and all that makes them very, very happy.

What nightmares does he/she have? When he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, what does he/she see?
The murder scene of their spouse. It was a brutal murder, and when Cassius has real nightmares they are usually about the death of their spouse. Disembowelment, opened torso, broken limbs, the terrified green eyes--about the only thing left identifiable. And if a character ever does ask Cassius what happened, I expect that Cassius will crawl-up into a weeping lump on the floor. Usually they try to not think of it and before the Gaoler's Honey experience they often would honey dream. I think Cassius is one of the few people that took 'Neath dreams as a relief, and they usually don't mind them. Taking "Is Someone There?" rather peacefully, and "Death by Water" as more of a challenge to see what caused the crash. Cassius even doesn't mind being the Lonely Knight and plays the role as best they can. BUT Cassius will awake shaking when they dream of being the Red-Handed Queen. They have a bit of a 'Lady Macbeth' moment with it, seeing the blood on her hands and her actions as what they may become someday if they stay on the path of finding vengeance. They haven't permanently killed someone yet, and the almost lust they have over getting revenge scares them at times. Also the Mirror-Marches FREAKED THEM RIGHT OUT. They spent a week in Bedlam over it, and still try not to think on it, having blanked-out a whole week from it. They don't and can't understand how they got there, where there is, and it made them question if they or anything even existed.

What makes him/her cry? Is it a perfect flower? A song that reminds him of something? The memory of his/her dead grandmother? Is it a happy, nostalgic thing or a deep, abiding grief? Does he/she cry a lot, or almost never?
Cassius rarely cries. They are kinda like a Tomb-Colonist in that regard, but when they do cry they are really hurt. Usually it is over memories of their spouse, or missing home. If Narciso manages to lose his soul, it is going to make them cry and possibly break them again, the same if he or any of their close friends or family die.

What makes him/her laugh? How often does he/she laugh? Does he/she have laugh lines? Does he/she have a good sense of humour? Does he/she hide it or let it shine?
Cassius laughs a lot now, but for most of the past two years they couldn't laugh. They actually have an alright sense of humour. And when they laugh they usually don't try to hide it! Bright and light and happy usually. I expect that if they keep the company they do have that they will eventually get laugh lines hopefully.

What does he/she wish he/she could do that he can't? Is there a talent he wishes he had? Is it something he doesn't have the money for? Is it something his species isn't capable of? How badly does he want it and what would he do to get it?
Cassius wishes that their spouse wasn't killed most often, but they would never try to bring them back if they had a choice. Nor would they wish that they were still alive in the shape that they were in on death. They also terribly wish that they could take some of their friends to visit their home and travel with them. The fact that so many have died is something that really makes them sad.

What is his/her worst fear? What terrifies him/her? What does he/she dread? Is it something terribly personal, or a generic phobia? How did he/she acquire this fear? Is he/she ashamed of it?
That they will never have the answers that they seek. That they are just when of Narciso's smaller flings, and that they are stupid for loving him. That their friends will die permanently. That they will die permanently because of their own foolishness. That they will become Soulless. They know that most of their closest friends are Marvellousers, and that when the time comes all but one, or ALL of them are going to lose their souls. They try not to think of it, but they realised this months ago. They also fear betraying their dead spouse at times, the main reason that they didn't want to go to the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, and why they couldn't answer Henrik when asked on their plans with Narciso.

Personal Touches

What's your character's sexuality? How certain is he/she of it?
They are pansexual. And they had some self discovery when they came to The 'Neath on this, having had a few very hedonistic months of sexual discovery/freedom. Now they are confident in themself and really don't care.

Does she/he have a pet or companion animal? A fierce guard dog? A tiny kitten? Goldfish? Rabbits or birds? A boa constrictor? Mice? A large spider? A monster? A horse?
Saunder! A little Sulky Bat :D Of course Cassius says like 'Zaun-dar' but yes they love their little bat. When they first came down they were dealing with a loneliness and saved all their Echos to buy a little brown bat. They use him as a messenger bat as well, but don't send him on more dangerous deliveries and never use him for any The Great Game bits. Cassius also lives with two rats, but they are more house-mates than pets. I think when they make it back to The Surface that they will get a pair of peafowl :3

What does she/he like to eat? Gourmet or takeout? Home-cooked food or instant microwaveable dinners? Does she/he eat more when she/he's upset? Is she/he vegetarian or vegan? Does she/he have odd dietary restrictions? What foods does she/he hate? 
Cassius loves anything that reminds them of their home. Orchard fruits are their most favourite foods, and they also love pies, tarts, pastries, and more savoury cakes. They also love perry and ales. They have developed a very strong dislike of "fungal consumables" since spending months of low-income eating a diet mostly of it. They especially hate confections made with mushrooms, and have gagged on trying to eat spore-toffee. They also dislike eating offal/organ meats since it brings bad memories of the murder scene. Cassius tries to eat mostly Surface food, especially now that they can afford to.

Where does he vacation, and how often? Does he go skiing every winter in Vermont? Does he go to quiet yoga retreats twice a year in Massachusetts? What about beaches?
They like small places in the countryside, seeing new places, and trying new foods. They haven't had much chance to travel outside of Britain, but did make it to southern France once as a holiday with their spouse. They miss the sunlight TERRIBLY and if they make it back to Above ground they will certainly be travelling more. They did travel around England a lot however, with their uncle for his business and with their spouse solving cases.

What does she/he wear? What styles and colours is she/he partial to? What's her/his favourite piece of clothing, and why?
Cassius usually wears baggy clothing, and wears a lot of browns and tans. One of their favourite things is their tweed jacket they often wear doing fieldwork, and of course their peacock cap! Any excuse to wear it :D Actually they like dressing with a peafowl theme anyway, since it gives them a chance to not take themself so seriously and makes them happy thinking of the joking from their friends. They also tend to wear ascots instead of cravats or ties. Also growing-up in a port town has left them with a love of wearing knitted things about their shack or casually not in public.

What is her/his favourite colour and why?
Midnight blue (see the gown in The Bazaar). They love most any shade of blue, but the rich yet dark shade is their favourite. They don't know why, but it does also look good on them. They also like steel blues, and warm browns. Also golds and golden yellows in combination with browns or blues.

What does she/he do for Christmas or other relevant holiday? What presents did she/he get or give last year? How does she/he feel about the holiday season?
Cassius usually spends it with their family, and invites their brother-in-law and his family to stay. Cassius also really loves to give gifts, and wonders how socially acceptable it is to do so with some people. But this past Christmas they spent mostly high on Laudanum and such curled into a crying ball in bed. Only venturing out long enough to send gifts and then going back to the road to the Mirror-Marches. They did get a few 'Neathy gifts from people, and a small glim & jade peacock from Narciso, and a sweater and a bottle of plum jerkum from home. They also gave 'Neath gifts, but pretty much something else to every close circle associate they knew at the time. If you want to know what you got for Christmas from Cassius just ask and I will consult the list I made at the time! But for Cassius Christmas isn't the biggest winter holiday, and they look forward more to the Wassail. But they missed it this year, and had even booked Gabriel Morgan's teahouse to try for a n indoor/low-key one. Then Asher had to get hurt on the night and friends in trouble are far more important. And also they got to kiss Narciso for the first time sober by missing it.

Is she/he religious or spiritual? Why or why not? What religion?
Cassius went to church, but has a more 'people do what they will do' opinion on things and also a semi-faith thing with nature and agriculture. They lost most of any religious-religious notions they had when their spouse was so brutally murdered and for seemingly no reason. But they do believe that there must be some sort of Heaven or like area since there are actual devils running about and a real Hell. But they also consider that when people die they go to the place where the boat goes to, possibly like Valhalla. So which is why if they do ever die, I am not sure they will choose to come back. Not wanting to live with never seeing sunlight/home again and also a chance to be reunited with their love is tempting.

What does she/he like to do for her birthday? Does she/he usually get to do it or not?
If we are still playing in June, I hope people do something for Cassius' birthday. They usually just eat something they like and let it pass with growing another year older.

Does she/he save money up or spend it like water? What is she/he saving toward and why? Is she/he anywhere close to being able to buy it?
Cassius buys what they need when they need it. And will buy things that they want like Surface food and tarts, but usually would rather buy something for someone else instead. They have more money than they know what to do with right now (900 Diamonds even!!) and with living in a shack and alone they just keep saving more. They often make big purchases for their on-going task of finding answers however, like weapons. They recently bought the whole top floor of a bookshop to use as an office and such and will be spending money on furnishing for it. Not many people would think that they are so well off however, given how they live.

What's her/his favourite weather? Hot sunny days? Blizzards? A warm rain? What's her/his favorite climate, or time of day?
Warm, but not too warm days in autumn. The kind where the harvest hasn't come in yet, and one can take off with a small lunch, spread a blanket out and laze in the sun. When the grass is still soft and green.

ambition, narciso, character, the commodore, surface, nemesis, meme, nathan, nightmares, ooc

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