Twitter Log: On Meeting Scylla & Becoming An Idiot

Jan 19, 2011 15:19

[SUMMARY: Cassius wakes-up after spending the night of January 18th in a chair at the bookshop. Narciso comes down and lets them pet his lizard.

CONTINUITY NOTE: Back in January, Asher jumped on the Blood Ivy and Theodor & Cassius found him. With the help of Nathan & Bar, they managed to get him across town to Paulsen and Associates to a waiting Scarlet & Henrik. There was a big scene where Scarlet, Theodor, & Nathan got into a fight (over Seeking!), and then Cassius had a bath. Followed by an awkward conversation over cold tea with Theodor on friendship. Cassius then fell asleep in the chair.

This leads directly into this scene (“At the Window”) & "An idiot feeding their pet bat".]


*assume Cassius finished the tea and fell asleep in the chair, and that no-one picked their pockets*
*Cassius asleep doesn`t seem like much. Without their strong eyes open or their general presence*

*if they're still sleeping in the chair in the bookshop, Henrik might've thrown a blanket over them on his way out*

*and they will embarrassedly wake-up later. If they cant find their clothes they will wrap back up & sleep more*
*in an "I cant bother anyone upstairs, I am not going into that horrid snow like this, so Zzzz until someone is about" non blushing manner*

*comes downstairs still in his pyjamas, cradling and cooing at one of his lizards -- but stops to smile at Cass's sleeping face*
*whispering to the lizard* I'm sorry, but there's someone even dearer-looking than /you/ --

*groggy, but narrows their eyes at nothing really* ...Did my clothes evar arrive?

Not to worry, my sleeping beauty -- they're awaiting you with the rest of your kingdom.

*blank look* ...I didn`t -mean- to spend the night. ...But it was kind of someone to cover me over.

It must have been one of the Danes. If /I'd/ known you were here, I would've invited you up to bed -- !

*still the groggy one gets from sleeping in a chair all night* I would have thought you...well you would have been told. ...
...I think Henrik lent me your clothes.

*letting the lizard crawl to his other hand* I /do/ recognize that shirt! You wear it very well.

It is a bit big. *lifts a leg up to show a bare foot and the pants rolled-up several inches*
*pull an arm out from under the blanket to rub their eyes* But, now who`s this then?

This is my darling Scylla, named for the nymph-turned-beast. Charybdis doesn't like to be carried, but Scylla prefers it.

I know the story...Well somewhat. I am glad to finally meet her.'

*beaming* Would you like to hold her?

Will she let me?

She doesn't bite! Though she licks, at times -- mind the tongue.

I... Well I would like to, if you think she will let me that is.

Of course, of course. *cupping Scylla in one hand, stroking her spine with the other, coaxing her to look to Cassius*

*unbundles themself just in case*
*reaches to accept her, a bit timid, not wanting to upset her of all things*

Try to hold her from beneath, like this -- of course she won't mind so long as your hands are warm --

*Cassius really likes animals, but hasnt much experience with reptiles. And even then only capturing giant lizards*
*runs their fingers along her, not used to scales. And may try to pat her like a cat*

*the look the lizard gives is remorseless but not resentful; she curls to fit their hand and her tongue flickers only slightly
*coos (rather embarrassingly)* Isn't she the loveliest creature?

...She`s, well warmer than I was expecting.

*laughs* Try rubbing the space beneath her chin; she likes that.

*does so, still expecting her to realise it isnt Narciso holding her and get disgruntled*

*she lifts her head to accommodate them, and the hard look in her eyes become something vaguer and more contented --*
*or at least, Narciso would insist that it does* There, you see?

*will have to study her face a bit, trying to work out if she does* Thank-you *muttered only part to Narciso, mostly to her*

*returns home at length, building up the fire in the little reading-nook at the back of the shop and sitting to warm himself by it*
*if they are, Henrik will kiss Narciso's cheek and give Scylla an absent scritch* Did you sleep well?

Better than I have been. ...But I am sorry for spending the night unasked.

But if you hadn't stayed, I wouldn't have seen you asleep! I was telling Scylla how dear you looked.

*a little catch in his movements, at that--then he's smiling* Ought I to leave you two?

*laughs!* Us three, you mean? Or will you take Scylla with you?

*will have to intently study Scylla. Almost asking her "...what did he say? D:"*

You three, of course. *smile* My best regards. Good evening, all of you. *and will just be heading upstairs now*

*will have to shout* Thank-you for the blanket! ...

*still laughing, catching his sleeve* Stay, stay. Tell us where you've been -- I'm still in my pyjamas, as you can see.

Only reading--but do let me go. *tugging free*

*pouts* At least give me a kiss?

*kisses his brow, then--low, and very fond* Good evening.

*traces patterns on Scylla`s scales, not know what to say. Feeling badly for not leaving*

*will just smile and be (ostensibly) silly at them* Don't mind Henrik. He only thinks we're lovers.

... *silent. wondering where their clothes would be*

*don't mind Henrik, he'll just escape to the upstairs now that he's ruined their evening*

... Here. Take Scylla. *goes to hand her over, muttering "I`m sorry" & "it was nice to meet you"* Where are my clothes? ...

*gently taking Scylla into his arm* Oh, come, now. If you're going to leave, too, shouldn't I have another kiss?

*gets up, collecting their walking-stick, briefly considering hitting him with it*+
*before threading their fingers in his hair to kiss him. Then shoving him away & quickly going to find their clothes*

*-- ah -- stands there a moment, impassive lizard on his arm, then slowly starts to smile*

[This leads directly into Henrik coming back down the stairs. And then Eris stopped-by, and Narciso let her borrow a book and told her a scribe she could hire to copy it off. A few days later, Henrik paid Cassius a visit.]

narciso, henrik, twitter, log

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