On Almost Colliding With Sweet Lydia, and a Talk On Life [Twitter Log]

May 13, 2011 15:53

*emerges from Thyrsus Wines shop in Veilgarden, this time a bulky case of four Absinthe bottles clinks from under her arm as she walks*

*May just be in Veilgarden, finally having started talking to clients and working again.*

*comes round a street corner and nearly runs directly into them head first. The bottles rattle violently as she halts* Oh!

*And is wearing their favourite, but well worn and often mended (seeming to attract damage) fieldworking tweed suit jacket.*

*her clothing looks fresher than she does for once... and as always her rifle towers an extra foot over her head where it hangs behind her*

*Puts a hand to the case to steady it, if she allows, almost echoing a silent* Oh

Cassius... *looks tired at first but drops into a smile she's been practicing recently as he steadies her* It is good to see you

Ah, *a look over to make sure things are alright* Lydia?

Weeks since your party, I know... but lately with my solitude I don't converse with more than a handful of people in a month.

Over a month since...well it was not much of a party. But I have been away, in any case. Are you keeping well in the least?


Erm, yes! *her eyes glance down to the case as she speaks, Even small lies are not her strong suit.* The Vake still eludes me...
The hunt has become costly and I've taken to... dueling in order to raise funds for it. A rat-catcher's wage wasn't enoug at all

*a small frown, detective and all that* Ah.
*doesnt really need asking, but still* ...Black Ribbon?

I... *flinch* don't relish hunting my own kind. But Feducci's grave gold was simply too good to turn down at the time.
But once you're in, you're in. *sigh* and, as he keeps telling me, my skills are remarkably well suited to the sport.

I...I would never Duel myself, but I do not oppose it. Still there are...*a sigh of their own* Well just be mindful.

Yes, it's risky. I've always been a bit wanton with my own life even back above. But the business of delivering true death...
*sets the wine crate carefully down on top of a near-by barrel* If only this stuff weren't so D--nably expensive!

Helping keep justice? *trying to lighten things a bit*

*her face brightens* Yes! The constables still come through with consulting and training fees from time to time!
but I'd imagine you're much more helpful to them on that score, being such an accomplished detective as you are!

*could mention their own records with death, but gives a small smile at her brightening* Well, and well!

Had I your reputation and skill, I'd not need to stoop so low to buy a few silly black bottles. So what brings you out today?

One of the good things about down here, is also a hinderence. Most having to start from scatch. *another little sigh*
I am finally starting back to work. I hate feeling idle, but have not felt up for much of it since I got back.

I see... well detective work is always in demand! Where did your journeys take you, if you don't mind me asking?

Above ground! ...My sister-in-law is ill and requested me. But I also had otheq business.

Are your skills in demand even beyond the neath? Was it some surface power embroiled in the Great Game? *very interested*

No, and no! Not this time. Just a boy with a letter to deliver to his mother, and biscuits and fruit to bring back.

That's so sweet! You're lucky to leave such concerns behind! For a while. Must be how you maintain all that brightness. *smile*

As for beyond The `Neath; well I have been in this vocation since I was 17. *and at that they freeze--It has been 10 years*

I've alsobeen hunting since I was a little girl. I suppose we're both lucky to know our place in the world from such a young age

I was actually training to help my uncle...a merchant, apples mostly. I was rather dragged into this by my...well late spouse.
*changing the subject though* `Brightness`?

Yes *blushes a bit at having said it aloud* The light has a way of clinging to you down in this dark place. Like nobody else...

*Are they fidgeting? Naw they are Cassius after all* ... ... Thank-you, in any case.

You're welcome! In any case look at us standing in the street like fishwives gossiping! Let's get inside and talk further!

work, lydia, twitter, log

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