On Knitting a Pair of Socks [Twitter log & drabble]

Apr 07, 2011 00:15

April 4th 1891

Narciso: Who knows? Perhaps I'll compose you something, and play it beneath your window.

Cassius: *Cassius listens, as they always listen. Especially when he is being honest* ...Only if you wished.

Narciso: But you'd like it, wouldn't you? Your own love-song -- *smiling, teasing*

Cassius: I love you. ..If you wished to compose a love-song for me, then I would adore it...but only if...well only if it pleased you

Narciso: I would be so frightfully nervous -- ! *waves a hand and laughs -- the idea of /him/, nervous!* But then you would smile that half-indulgent smile at me.

Cassius: And why would you be nervous? *smiling softly*

Narciso: There's a risk, isn't it? When you make something for someone -- I don't know how Louis can do it so brazenly! You want them to like what you make.

Cassius: Perhaps it is not the best answer, but I would adore anything you made me. Because -you- made it--and for me, no less. ...  ... *almost blushing, but only almost* And you have improvised me poetry.

Narciso: *smiles* ... You /are/ sentimental, aren't you?

Cassius: Perhaps, perhaps. ... And perhaps I will still knit you a blanket, or socks, even if it is spring.

Narciso: And I'd wear them just to have something from you near me.

Cassius: *at that they look at him, not really sure what to say*

Narciso: *then laughs, and steals a kiss from them*


April 5th 1891

Cassius: *message delivered by Saunder*: "What colour would you prefer?---your 'pavona'"

Narciso: "Sky blue or yellow. -- your sunlight"


April 6th 1891

Cassius: *Goes about Spite's markets, looking to buy a tapestry needle*

*Is sitting in their mostly sparse office, getting a strange look from a client* 
*It is not often that you go to meet a detective at their office, which turns out is unfurnished, & said detective is knitting a pair socks*


Cassius sits across from the man, paying attention but absently flipping and making stitches about the four needles in their hands. He has been giving them odd looks throughout the whole meeting, and Cassius really doesn't care. Maybe they are giving the respectability of a Ladybones' detective a bad name, maybe he thinks knitting is just for young maidens stuck at home. Cassius thinks that he needs to visit a port town someday, if he thinks that is the case. They had in fact asked "Do you mind if I knit?" at the start of the meeting, much the same way one would ask if they could smoke. He had said to go ahead. Perhaps he thinks that the illustrious L.S. Cassius is not paying him much attention. Oh well. He hasn't been very helpful in aiding their investigation to begin with. They'll solve the case, all right, get their payment, but if he can't supply the correct information, then they can decide to knit socks during their meeting.

"Sky blue or yellow." the little note of reply had said, and Cassius has decided that this pair shall be both. Sky blue to begin with, and thrummed with yellow after. It is not a technique that they have used often, not being much for mittens themself, and they have never tried it on socks before, but as it is spring they want to make something that can have a bit more of a practical purpose. Slippers perhaps. They had eyed his feet as he slept the morning before, and a good thing about wool is that it will stretch if it isn't perfect. Cassius nods to themself as they finish-up a heel, inciting a raised eyebrow from their client. If you would tell me the real reason you went out that night, perhaps I would stop? They meet his look as if to say. They know that his lack of truthfulness is the only thing stopping him from saying anything. Cassius only decided to take this case because of the man's daughter, and even now the tediousness of the affair has made them regret it. They would have to have more cause to drop it, but they can still annoy the man--And complete this gift in conjunction. Maybe they can finish both by tomorrow night? Deliver all results on Friday? Cassius nods again at the client's suppressed recollection, and starts working on this sock's foot.

drabble, narciso, twitter, log

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