Supanova Sydney Report Day 1. aka The Day My Brain Melted.

Jun 27, 2013 12:33

I had a pretty good view from my seat, and took some videos (which I’m in the middle of uploading); however, they aren’t very good quality. Hopefully someone else has better ones to upload. There are a few minutes missing here and there, as we weren’t really supposed to be recording, but I did manage to capture most of the panel.

I think Bradley struck a good balance between humorous answers and putting some serious thought into his replies. Thankfully there weren’t any of the usual ‘shipping’ questions or many of the usual general Merlin ones that have been repeated ad nauseam over the years.

There was one part I didn't record and that was when Bradley was explaining who Winston Churchill was (there is a video by someone else on YT). I was blown away by his explanation/answer and thought this is one very smart cookie.

Then it was back to the autograph line as I wanted my Merlin calendar signed. It was pretty late by then so we were told there wasn’t time for personalising it unfortunately. I did ask if it was weird seeing your (his) image on things when he went into shops and stuff and he said you got used to it eventually, especially as it had been 6 years now.

As well as meeting the wonderful cast I met some fellow fans including the lovely
alby_mangroves and her friends. (Read
alby_mangroves brilliant report here). Some fans had come from as far as Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and LA just for Bradley, and the knights. A few had also been to Pierrefonds. This was my first time experiencing this type of ‘fandom connection’ and it really added so much to the weekend.

Part Two (Sunday) will be up tomorrow.

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