i'm sitting here at my computer... wasting time even though i have some chores i really MUST do before bed
it's been quite some time since i've just blown time looking at different sites and blogs.
my husband has the tv on while he gathers together some laundry for his business trip.
i keep hearing squawking birds in the background... what's that old horror movie?
he's going to germany and then on to cairo. it's the first time either of us has been to cairo.
while there he will meet the people he will be working with in the company and other important contacts.
unfortunately he won't get to do much "touring" of the area...
i'm anxious to start looking for a house over there. wouldn't it be wonderful to have a pool?!!! that has always been a dream of mine.
we'll see... we'll see...
today when buying the reen-star's school supplies, we decided to buy an extra set for a student who might not be able to get everything.
reen-star was excited about it... choosing two of everything. she decided red scissors would be best. "boys and girls both like red, mama."
though it might seem little, that made me happy to hear her thinking like that...
trying to choose something anyone might like and not just what she likes.
my desire for my children is to someday understand just how blessed they are and to share those blessings with others...
i'm hoping that the little things we do with them will make a big impression on them...
i want to do a self portrait for "spc", but don't know if i'll get the chance. today is the day most people post. tomorrow wouldn't be too late if i can get around to it...
again... we shall see...
better go put away that laundry and empty those very stinky litter boxes!
then; to bed, to bed to mend my head!