Mar 16, 2006 22:13
We've been thinking about moving since we are done with MN, and Boston has found memories. I saw a really interesting job posting for a Senior techincal positon at a startup in Cambridge so I figured I would send my resume in. I was happily shocked to receive and email to set a phone interview, and I completed that today. Monday I will be flying out to Boston to meet the team and have a second round of interviews. I'll be meeting with no less than 6 people. It is going to be a LONG day but I'm optomisitc. I don't think they would spend $$ to fly someone out unless they were really intereseted. So with that we might be leaving the cold waste-land of MN and going to the cold, but enjoyable local of MA.
To quote someone on a road trip back from Ohio, racing YSR, "!**! Ohio" or in the case MN.
However doing a cost of living comparison, Holly cow. You needs to make 27.7% more in Boston to have an equal "life-style" That's a lot of $. But on a more enjoyable note I've been told of reports, by "experts" that they are expecting the house market there to tank. Way too many new houses, not enough people. So here's hoping.........