Feb 11, 2013 20:38
Also, I think it is easier to write off of a photo or a specific moment, rather than run people’s entire lives by my eyes, as folks who have near death experiences report seeing their whole life pass by. I have to wonder about how the brain chooses what maps to dump into consciousness in that moment? What chemical trigger would make one so aware of memory? If the proponents of Be Here Now are correct, one would think that during a near death experience, one would be most intensely conscious of everything in the existing moments of the capital P present.
I am stalling. Chatting with the right side of my brain. Fiddling around.
Jonathan came to mind with fiddling, for Scottish Country Dance.
Dr. Jonathan Lovell, director of the San Jose Area Writing Project, an educational leader who believes in writing, in good teaching, and in the power of allowing teachers the respect and voice to present their expertise among other things. Certainly his clear, thoughtful perception of what’s really important in a situation is a mark of his leadership.
Jonathan brings much more than educational expertise to the SJAWP. Every summer institute I watch him patiently listen to what each person wants to talk about with him which might range from politics to comparing experiences of parent deaths and bereavement. He listens to people, the way an artist or writer listens for an inner voice. His recent health episodes (heart attack several years ago) and current A-fib have further honed Jonathan’s humor and dignity. He seems to be dancing with life, acquainted with the pillings, counting measures under the breath, mindful of the figures as the music plays, casting up, reeling across with a genteel smile.
Jonathan deports his tall, slim frame with natty sports jackets and shirts, sometimes over jeans which is professorial. The pale tones compliment his sandy gray hair and blue eyes. At Highland games he’s in a kilt. He dances so his posture matches his composure. Jonathan manages his emotions and when he speaks it is from a rich, keen mind and a considerate soul.