Whatchu talkin' bout, Willis?

Aug 30, 2006 17:09

Hey ya'll. How ya doin?

Matt and I are still going strong, and loving every day! We're going on 6 months now. He really is so wonderful

Our family got it's first dog last year!!! We got him when he was 8 weeks old, and too cute for words. He's a king charles cavalier/ cocker spaniel mix, and his name is Reggie: my little brother picked his name. I'll post a pic of him next time I'm on.

I'm working at a physical therapy clinic in Montclair, Virginia, and I've had the job for about 2 months now. I love it! The pay isn't great, but the practice and experience is compensation in and of itself. Since my exposure to this field, my perception of those with impairments is vastly different. I've come to know and love patients I work with, as they provide shining examples and make me realize how fortunate I am. I'm also working at Macaroni Grill in Kingstowne, but, the restaurant business is definitely losing its appeal.

Well, the first week of school was last week. I gotta tell you, it was a real bear. However, physical therapy is the one field I am truly passionate about. In only 1 year of classes and 1 month of clinical affiliations (more to come... 18 weeks worth), I've realized how much education is a true blessing in my life, even though sometimes it seems like a blessing in disguise ;-). I graduated from NVCC this year with my first associates degree in gen ed (haha,but I'll take what I can get), will graduate in May with my second in Physical THerapy, and will graduate with my third associates in science in 2008. Following, I plan to work full time as a Physical Therapist Assistant while attending George Mason University to get my bachelor's degree in Athletic Training. Finally, I plan to attend a school in Pennsylvania on the weekends while working during the week in order to receive my DOCTORATE in Physical Therapy. It's oober scary to say that word: "doctorate", but I can't wait! The school in Pennsylvania is a bridge program for those who are PTA's to be able to get their DPT.

It's been a while since I've vented, so why not do it here? It's now the second year of the PTA program, and we learned neuroanatomy in 4 days! The average neuro class lasts a year! We really don't like our professor, unfortunately. We basically teach ourselves the material (which is material we don't know... so you have a bunch of people getting together and discussing things they have no idea about) and she is SO disorganized. One of my classmates is being treated super unfairly. It really enrages me when people, especially those we are paying to give us an education, treat those who are just trying to make it through the program unjustly. I've learned all too recently that if I try to go to someone, i.e. the dean, about genuine problems, they'll tweak practicals to make me fail and get kicked out of the program. So, I definitely plan to document what I see and hear now, and then write a nice long letter after I get my diploma... suckers. haha.

I am incredibly fortunate at this point in my life... that's all there is to it.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and I miss you all!!!
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