Aug 31, 2008 16:51

Mou... My friend asked me who I had as my picture for MSN. I was all....buh? Because I had a cam-whore moment a couple of days before...and so the picture was of me >>;

Apparently this doesn't look like me at all T______T Thanks @.@ Also I'd just like to point out that the angle of the picture is not because I was trying to be artistic but more that my aim is poorT___T

Some earrings made on request from my mum >>;

Bubbles the fish. He's one of those googly-eyed ones that I forget the correct name of.

I love this show to pieces >>; Too bad it doesn't air here T________T

I finally got it back. It's a little overcrowded but still XD

Finished this book a little while ago. It was good. Drew me right in. Then I read Blessed Child and now I'm reading Obsessed, also by Ted Dekker


Burnt several drama series from a friend. He's obsessed now. I will not take responsibility for that >>;

Gah....I'm so tired. Went to bed at 0500. Got to sleep at 0600. Woke up at 0800, went WTH am I doing awake. Tried to get back to sleep. Proceeded to wake up every 20 minutes until 0845 where I thought, 'stuff it' and got up. T_____T
Need sleep O.o Zzzzz

be safe
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